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For the Pople beeing concerned about Rockfort:

- Yeah the Ping is (displayed) higher then usuall but it has litterly zero effect on the gameplay its still perfectly smoth, not even noticable with 200pi.
- Yeah the map is big. But i prefer to not run into the same persons over and over and over again rather then having a larger variety of interesting location. (you can now hide from police as well as police patrols have become more interesting, you no longer need to live on the streets because all 3 or 4 popular stores are already sold and also you no longer have a 30 seconds drive to your vacation at the lake. It feels much more realisity and had no real downsights so far. All Government Services are still responding in a matter of a minute or two, you are not lost and alone theere are plenty of people roaming around (just not in one spot like they used to) and the map is still build in a good, coordinated square stucture allowing you to navigate well and find any spot you are lookign for after you first hour.
Its different but i like it... a lot

Nuff said.

Well yes we are currently an EU community but When you guys are playin on it the server will appear to american GMOD players.
And we hope that we can promote the gamemode and communty to the american players.
We might in the future get the 2nd EU server back up with a map dunno what map tho but yeah..

Rip all previous elevator users, rip.
(Jan 13, 2016, 01:53 AM)Mustang Wrote: [ -> ]IF USING THE LIFT GO ONE AT A TIME, THAT THING IS A DEATH TRAP.

Rip all previous elevator users, rip.

(Jan 13, 2016, 01:53 AM)Mustang Wrote: [ -> ]IF USING THE LIFT GO ONE AT A TIME, THAT THING IS A DEATH TRAP.

Rip all previous elevator users, rip.

That elevator helped Theo and I during a raid... handled a lot of the cops for us.
Elevator, the 3rd secret raider...
Amazing map! Fits the game mode so well!
Awesome! A great opportunity for criminal and police operations alike
No doubt about it. The map is very cool. A lot of great opportunities, basic setups in government buildings, multiple roads and areas to explore. Very nice!

A few concerns of mine:

- The lack of ownable doors, in particular the government buildings. The firestation for example has one door in the backroom that is purchasable. The rest are wide open that anyone can get into at any time. I have trouble with people breaking into the station at v33x with locked doors as it is. I'd have no safety in the Rockford station. The truck would be broken into a lot. Any possibility to change that?

- Invisible walls. There are some areas that you have no idea is a wall. In the few hours I've been in, I've already witness many deaths via invisible wall. Some have good indicators such as road blocks or barriers. Could we get the unmarked sections also contain road barriers? Just something that hints to not go beyond this point.

- Tweaks to doors/elevators. The automated doors are really cool. I love it. However, the can and have caused vehicle explosions when they close when they shouldn't. Any way to tweak their vehicle awareness? And I think we all know about the elevator deaths...

Overall, I love the new map. Just beautiful.
I like the map but there is one hill (Heading from city to shell garage) where everyone seems to get there car on an insanely high curb. This causes the car to slide and hit people out of control. This happened to me and another police officer and had to wait for a paramedic, which never turned up.

Another problem I have saw is the elevator in the presidential building (don't know the name of it yet). The damn thing murders people randomly lol, it just sits there awaiting its next victim.

Um, another issue (caused by me lol) is that the cliff edge on one the roads is very um well not visable on the horizon. There are random barriers everywhere apart from here, the most dangerous part of the outer road.

Another issue I have is where the rebel slums are located. They are too close to the presidential building. It would be ok if there was more than one way out the nexus building (like a rear entrance, to avoid gun fire)

sorry to those of you in the US, my ping is horrific from the UK.

This sounds like a rant lol but there are more positives than negatives about this map lets hope not to repeat v2p
(Jan 15, 2016, 09:43 PM)The Imaginative Lad Wrote: [ -> ]I like the map but there is one hill (Heading from city to shell garage) where everyone seems to get there car on an insanely high curb. This causes the car to slide and hit people out of control. This happened to me and another police officer and had to wait for a paramedic, which never turned up.

I can add world props that can fix this.  Thanks for the report.
My ping appears bad but in fairness it just feels the same as playing the eu server. Don't really notice a massive difference lag wise.
Great addition. Hopefully it keeps a steady population.
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