You're right on that lods, a major reason for Rockford not coming to EU is that most (if not all) of the v33x playerbase would hop over to it since it has vastly improved optimization and better RP opportunities. While the server location isn't even ideal for all US players (for example I get about 90 ping on it as opposed to 100 on EU servers) it's actually beneficial to AU players who see their ping drop about 200.
Since ping is nearly the same for myself I'm mostly excited about frame rate. As many of you have noticed v33x is poorly optimized and can easily drop to 20 or lower fps. On Rockford I've managed to easily get a steady 60-70 fps due to improved optimization and use of LOD models.
And if I'm honest lads, coming from a place where I'm 7500 miles away from the EU server with an average ping of 350, it IS possible.
My only issue is that I have
A) Shit computer
B) Shit LEDC Internet with a max of about 5mbps
Hence my FPS can drop to about 4 in peak hours. But back when I first joined multiplayer gmod and saw this 'ping' thing, I thought "damn, mine is highest... Higher=better right?"
The point being I didn't notice I was 'lagging'.
The distance between USA and Europe is probably the same if not less than what I've got.
You really don't notice lag unless you've got shite internet/computers, which based on the census (I'll grab you some stats later) a majority of you don't have.
Remember there's a console command to change your ping down to 5. If you can do that, who's to say any of our pings is actually accurate? (#deep)
Don't knock it 'Til you try it is all I'm saying; fuck knows that's what we've all been doing for the last 8 years.
On-Topic: Yay Rockford!
Its really really good but i hope we get it in the eu because we all play in eu

and as safira said our ping will be 350 approx so if it was in eu it will be more better.
I personally had the idea that we have ONE day where we switch EU v33x to Rockford for a trail run to see if people liked it or not.
I honestly don't see the issue with having it on the US server, yes you will have higher ping, how do you think American players feel when they are playing on the EU server? Why not put yourself in their shoes. Higher ping, isn't that bad.
(Dec 31, 2015, 02:03 PM)Brynn Wrote: [ -> ]I honestly don't see the issue with having it on the US server, yes you will have higher ping, how do you think American players feel when they are playing on the EU server? Why not put yourself in their shoes. Higher ping, isn't that bad.
^ This.
Rockford stays US-only until LimeLights population grows in numbers. Theres no point in having 3 servers when two servers arent populated. V2D failed, lets try Rockford.
I havê been there working on it and um from europeus and I can tell the ping isnt só huge or bad how u think , however it will increasr with the number of players inside but most of US havê good PC or internet fibre só why worrie about? Lets Rock on town
Look what I found.. The days. <3
Can't wait to play, lag out and crash!
i have horrible internet
Other than that, looks amazing!
We need it at EU server...
(Jan 1, 2016, 04:51 PM)Nudelsalat_im_Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]We need it at EU server...
I disagree. Keep it at US since most people from EU are just going to migrate to US (if changed to v33x).
After 7 years of 200+ ping the day of reckoning has arrived. Hallejuiah.
Ooh the hospital (I think it was one) looks perfect!
Us americans have been getting 150+ ping for years, and now that we have a US server and a unique map you'd rather Americans play with 150+ ping again? You guys can stop being selfish and put up with what Americans have been putting up with for years please.