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Full Version: "Performing" over the characters head.
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Suggestion for: in-game

In detail, explain your suggestion: When you enter the chat, it says "Talking".

I thought that it could be usefull if it said "Performing" after you type /me. (And maybe /it?)

Why should this be implemented? It would be easier to predict what the player would do. If I, as a policeofficer said "Put your hands up!" and the player started typing "/me blablablablaba" I would've seen a /me coming. Especially useful for people who uses voicechat, as they talk faster than typers, and if you started "talking", I would've said "Get your hands up! I said get your hands up". I wouldn't have said that if I saw "performing".

I don't have any other major reasons why this shouldn't be implimented, it can't be that many lines of code to initiate "Performing" instead of "talking" after /me is typed. I also see more "positive sides" than negative sides on this. Like why the hell not, hehe.
+ Support
I see no reason why not to.
+Support this can also help the police, when they are typing, proper players wont escape.
+support Great idea, I believe it would really help those that type everything be able to visibly show if they are talking or emoting.

As one of them, I get a lot of frustrated players waiting for me to put out that fire now, when I generally do some lite-RP like 'SirWulf removes the hoses from the truck and hooks them up.' Some players might not be quite as upset if they saw I was in the process of emoting and not just standing around chatting to friends.

As SirWulf said helps fix the confusion of talking from performing an action.

Means people can see what we're doing rather than frantically saying "SLASH ME PUTS HANDS UP" over mic to prevent any misunderstandings
Hook this, upon find string "/me" as the first 3 characters, make it send "Performing" instead of "Talking" netvar. Easy enough.

Maybe even make client-side check so it won't send the same netvar twice.

+ Support
What's the status on this one?
Pages: 1 2