Wooowowowoow dig dug EYY Laurenz!
Oh i could write an whole bible now all the good memories we have <3
Id just like to thank you for everything dig <3 Take care
Goodbye laurenz

The Old team from fearless made a new Communitiy and i was happy.
Now is everyone giving up and leaving LL or their position....
Thanks Dig for you time on LL we will never forget the things you done for us
Truly sad to see to see you go, thank you for everything and keep in touch

You were a fantastic Administrator and it was an honor to serve with you. I hope that you are able to carry on wherever you go, and that you're always welcome back here. It was fun participating in your events as well, you'll be missed.
No we are not falling apart. Stop coming to conclusions, people resign, that does not mean we are done.
Quote:No we are not falling apart. Stop coming to conclusions, people resign, that does not mean we are done.
Admins come and go, the community stays.
Limelight is not defined by it's admins, but
by it's members, so as long as you all keep
being loyal, there's nothing to fear.
Sad to see another great man resign. Take care and have a good one.
A resignation I didn't see coming. You were a wise and a very mature administrator who got very close to becoming a Supervising Administrator along my side. You've done a hell of a job and I respect you fully.
You're always welcome back. Keep listening to the good music.
You were a good admin man. I hope for the best for you man. Later.
You were a great admin

. Good luck with whatever you decide to do in the future!
Thank you for your service man, you were a great admin. Good luck in the future.
Love you digdug! Good luck man! Keep in touch with me on steam.
You are one of the best admins i have ever seen on any community.
Once again good luck dig!
Dig you were always a role model in my eyes, when I was a player I always looked up to you
Take care of yourself buddy