Greetings folks, I feel my time here has simply run it's course, I'd like to extend my full gratitude to both the community and staff team of Limelight. You are all amazing and always will be, it's the unity and brotherhood/sisterhood from this large community of individuals that brings me to a smile. However unfortunately, I feel that I am unable to properly invest enough time into Limelight to fully function as an administrator. Therefore I am resigning from my position, it is my hope that someone who is active and can properly attend to the job will take my place.'
I salute you all.
To the Limelight Community, Rock on... Sincerely -Dig
Another resignation? What's going on? Anyway it's sad to see you go dig you did a great job and good luck for the future!
Oh wow, one of the greats...Thank you for all your time and hard work you put into Limelight.
Best of luck with whatever you decide to go on and do from here.
Another one... LimeLight slowly tearing apart
Have fun in life, hope ya return dig!
See ya Dig, good luck in the future!
This is not what I had in mind when I heard about a new community... good luck in the future Dig..

bye diggy, cheers for all the effort and work you put into LimeLight.
Keep in touch mate
I've said bye to you in the other places but we'll keep in touch
A note here to people: limelight is tearing apart... Many admins were tired of being one before the split and thought they could rekindle their love when they got on here. Its unfortunate that the opposite effect has happened and many staff are leaving. Just because they realised they didn't want to be an admin anymore
The servers are fine, we are suriving don't worry.
Thank you for putting your time and effort into administrating the community. You're a stand-up guy dig, and I always enjoy talking to you. See you when I see you, fellow cali-kid
You were amazing Dig. Have a good one :3
Man this sucks, you were one of the best staff members that I had come across, shame to see such a brilliant player leave. Good luck with your education and what else to have to do in life. Cya around Diggy ☮
You can't do this to me! Now who will I make intellectual events with? ;-;
I forbid you to leave.
Really sad to see you go.
Good luck in whatever you do, and thank you.
Goodbye good friend. I shall miss you.