As my post was off-topic in the other thread here's a new thread for it. There have been too many times where updates which should just be a 10 minute job take weeks or even months to actually complete. I don't see any reason to justify this with the amount of staff available within access to carry out these updates so why do they take so long?
For example with the approved suggestions:
New RP Props - I assume you've already discussed the workshop packs you want from the list prior to being approved, just add them to server and content packs.
Make Wood Cutting Worthwhile! - Just increase the value of wood in code.
Furnitures! - Just add models to server and content packs.
Allow Firefighters to Access Locked Vehicles Shouldn't be too much, code is already pretty much there with ram tool.
Vehicle Improvement: Bus - Pretty sure this'd just be changing a couple parameters and testing it in-game (not 100% though).
Change NDS Default Female - Models already in place, just change the default job model path.
Police Evidence/Crime Scene Markers - Just add models to server and content packs.
Secret Service: Power to Arrest - Code already in other jobs, just add to this one too.
Change Cocaine - Change the line of text that shows.
old president model as a suit - Just make old player model an item, code can be used from other suits.
New fireman player model - Model has been ready for months, just add it server & content packs and change job model path.
These could all be easily be done within a day yet the staff make out that they require a lot of organization and discussions before they can be worked on with Obay's approval response: OTICE: Due to large numbers of suggestion approvals, content pushing way take some time to organize, quality assure and push to our live serves. Please be patient.)
Wood is gone,
Faustie is busy with college,
Voluptious is usually busy fixing bugs or working on bigger updates. I don't think he has server access either, only content packs.
The rest of the staff doesn't have access to the server FTP meaning they cannot add, edit or remove any content whatsoever.
So basically, Faustie is the only one that can access the server. Give the new content team and Voluptious access to the FTP and it will (hopefully) be a lot faster.
(Nov 6, 2015, 12:55 AM)Maniac link Wrote: [ -> ]So basically, give the new content team access to the FTP and it will (hopefully) be a lot faster.
Several days before I left my contributor position it was said that we would receive access to add content ourselves. Seems like the development is really unorganized if it
still hasn't been added yet.
Believe me when I say this. We are working on it. Without revealing too much theres a lot of updates planned soon.
I'm happy if people feel it's going too slowly to add me on steam and I can find a way for you to help. I'm seeing these threads a lot now and it's something that needs work I know.
However as said above we have other priorities too, Burnetts busy, Fausties got a degree to study for, I myself just spent a good 15 hours out of the house today (not that matters for development)
Something that I do understand though is every time we add something that takes "10 minutes" it tends to take 10x as long to fix all the bugs that came with it when we put it on.
Overall, don't worry shit will be sorted and if people want to help out then I'm happy to chat to people
(Nov 6, 2015, 01:09 AM)Barkles link Wrote: [ -> ]However as said above we have other priorities too, Burnetts busy, Fausties got a degree to study for, I myself just spent a good 15 hours out of the house today (not that matters for development)
I understand that people 'have a life' as they say but these updates don't require much explanation, you could quickly crack out a little guide if needed. With the amount of staff that are available for the server why can't even one or two take the time to add the updates?
(Nov 6, 2015, 01:09 AM)Barkles link Wrote: [ -> ]Something that I do understand though is every time we add something that takes "10 minutes" it tends to take 10x as long to fix all the bugs that came with it when we put it on.
Quite frankly if you're getting bugs from adding a couple of models then there's something seriously wrong with the gamemode.
I would gladly volunteer as content-adding slave if that's what's needed in order to push models and other tiny shit that don't need (much) tweaking.
(Nov 6, 2015, 01:32 AM)Maniac link Wrote: [ -> ]I would gladly volunteer as content-adding slave if that's what's needed in order to push models and other tiny shit that don't need (much) tweaking.
This ^
and it was said that if devs dont have time you would have the ability to pay codes to code for ya guys
I think that the contributor team needs a section on the forums where people can apply, and they have to make a update that has been approved. Just like the previous community. This way more people who are willing to help can help and officially become contributors to create content for the servers then the Dev's will review it and so on.
Well that is just mu opinion

(Nov 6, 2015, 01:45 AM)Blurr link Wrote: [ -> ]I think that the contributor team needs a section on the forums where people can apply.
Exactly, if the LL staff is interested in recruiting volunteers then why hasn't an appropriate thread been made for applications (At least one that I could not easily locate).
Right now we make threads on behalf of people who we think
A) have potential
B) have shown interest
It's handled in the Promotions sector of the Admin room. A dedicated applications sub-folder could definitely be utilised though, so I think I'll bring it up with the others.
(In the meantime if you're interested, don't be shy to send any of the staff team a quick PM on the forums or via Steam)
I expressed interest to Enzyme about helping install updates.
He said it's fine no help was needed etc etc
So, what gives? Two contradicting opinions here practically.
I'm voulenteering to help install all of these minor updates.
I see quite some minor content updates have been added already. Good work, that's some fast improvement.
The issue is generally because we're so busy and don't always have time to review the smaller fixes and updates. When I get given a list I'll try and work through them if I have time, but what everyone claims is 'a minute or two' can be a significant blow to derailing my studies or whatever. I try and put in as much free time as I have, but you have to bear in mind some days I need to simply focus. That said, we are working on packaging updates a little more now so that we can get multiple things done at once so we're not all over the place.
Regarding allowing other people to simply help with content: sure, it's an idea, but there are lots of risks associated with it. I can think of multiple occasions when granting someone access to dev systems turned sour, mainly before the move. It's certainly a good idea to ramp up the contributor program and ensure that players can more easily state their wish to help, but it doesn't mean we should be lax with security and have huge issues like in the past.
(Nov 6, 2015, 10:24 PM)Faustie link Wrote: [ -> ]The issue is generally because we're so busy and don't always have time to review the smaller fixes and updates. When I get given a list I'll try and work through them if I have time, but what everyone claims is 'a minute or two' can be a significant blow to derailing my studies or whatever. I try and put in as much free time as I have, but you have to bear in mind some days I need to simply focus. That said, we are working on packaging updates a little more now so that we can get multiple things done at once so we're not all over the place.
Regarding allowing other people to simply help with content: sure, it's an idea, but there are lots of risks associated with it. I can think of multiple occasions when granting someone access to dev systems turned sour, mainly before the move. It's certainly a good idea to ramp up the contributor program and ensure that players can more easily state their wish to help, but it doesn't mean we should be lax with security and have huge issues like in the past.
Then perhaps it may be a good idea to look for players that you guys can trust, contributors that are trustable that could have access to 'dev systems' to help install updates.
Surely access can be restricted to certain folders.