Oct 11, 2015, 02:18 AM
Description: So I see the gamemode is able to get a persons number plate from a database or something, and I don't like it saying 'stolen' in some bright text above the car, so here's what I propose, a simple derma panel that you can open by hitting t or something whilst in a police vechile, then it draws the frame with a Windows XP like OS (as that's what they use), then you can use it to surf the web, warrant people and scan plates to see if the car is stolen, and if a person reports a car is stolen or a person is wanted you can check a database.
Why: As much as this is a 'semi-serious' Roleplay server, I feel text floating from above the car detracts from the Roleplay, and typing out a command is painful, I mean Garry's mod is not a Linux terminal, and trying to get some ones name or number is hard. Also in real life you have the person who is being detained get in the back of your car, but I fear that would be a pain, because minges, so I guess you could have a context menu wich, when a person is handcuffed allows you to put them in the back of your car.
It can easily be made and I think Freemmaann is adding it in a future update to ELS, I was talking to him about it a while back but he is currently foccused on VCmod main ATM and I don't like bothering him
But yea, sorry if I did not follow the template correctly, I'll put the blame on my iPad for that one.
im cheap and poor and can't be asked to make a niceĀ signature, so imagine if you will, a generic minecraft channel art, with my name andromeda
Why: As much as this is a 'semi-serious' Roleplay server, I feel text floating from above the car detracts from the Roleplay, and typing out a command is painful, I mean Garry's mod is not a Linux terminal, and trying to get some ones name or number is hard. Also in real life you have the person who is being detained get in the back of your car, but I fear that would be a pain, because minges, so I guess you could have a context menu wich, when a person is handcuffed allows you to put them in the back of your car.
It can easily be made and I think Freemmaann is adding it in a future update to ELS, I was talking to him about it a while back but he is currently foccused on VCmod main ATM and I don't like bothering him

But yea, sorry if I did not follow the template correctly, I'll put the blame on my iPad for that one.
im cheap and poor and can't be asked to make a niceĀ signature, so imagine if you will, a generic minecraft channel art, with my name andromeda