Limelight Forums

Full Version: Add hour limit for Police/President/VicePresident
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This is LONG overdue, they said they would add it after a few weeks... it's been a few months..
+ Support
Moved to popular

This suggestion has been moved to the "Popular" section because of the high amount of support for it.

Important notes

This has been moved to the "Popular" section of the forums so that it will be discussed by the administrative team. Given the large amount of support, this will be seen as a high priority topic to be discussed. Thank you for the suggestion!

+ Support
-Support :/
+ support (i meant that in the begining but i didint get to edit it.)
+Support into the moon.

People always say that they need to learn from experience, but I don't think giving someone weapons capable of killing and then letting them run around should be allowed. In real life, it takes many many years for someone to even have the possibility of becoming a Police Sergeant.

Seriously, 5 hours of playing could be achieved in a single day! Do people learn the rules in a single day? No! They need at least a week!

50 hours - Officer
100 hours - Sergeant

If you do this, we will have a professional police force consistently without any mishaps.
This is already a thing, needs to be moved.
-Support - Here's why:

I'm going to give you all another way to look at it. Why do we base someone's experiences with roleplay or utility by hours? Why would we recommend a new player to play on a server to wait 50+ hours before being able to join most parts of the Government which are generally taken? I personally think there would be no difference if a 20 hour or a 50 hour were to require the Governmental Slot. If they are new to the role, they will still require learning about how to play the role, whether it be, S.W.A.T, President or Police.

What impression would we give to new players joining the server if we prevented the use of the Police, S.W.A.T and Presidential company for 50 hours?

Minge or not - Everyone requires learning roles and how they work. Hours don't mean anything on the server. There are people out there that have lower hours and can be much better than those with higher. It's simply experience.
Added already. Moving to complete.
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