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Full Version: Basic's leaving notice
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Hello all,

I am here just letting you know that I plan on now leaving LimeLight.
My reasons are fairly neutral and none to worry about.

Before I leave, I want to say thanks to a few people:
Wood: Letting me chop you Wink
Barkles: Good guy! Just make sure your rusty water works don't get out of hand mr.
Brynn: For taking any spare shortbread of mine.
Doctor Internet: Helping me in the rough times.
Kix2468: Being a good friend.
LittleBlarg: Keeping me entertained on TS, being a good friend in general.
CMR: Simply for being awesome.

There are many more, I just can't list them all.

I would also like to say a general thanks to the Staff team for keeping the servers clean, and any clans I have been in.
I won't be active on the servers, or the forums but maybe the TS.

So, goodbye all.
Cya Basic! GL in your future goals.
Goodbye, and good luck in the future Smile
[move][Image: 2dvtnoy.png][/move]

(Freezak, don't flame me please)
Goodbye and good luck in your future Smile
(Sep 20, 2015, 07:27 PM)Lord Octagon link Wrote: [ -> ][move][Image: 2dvtnoy.png][/move]

(Freezak, don't flame me please)

just fuck off with these honestly
I hope you're not leaving because of the server situation. Hope to see you again.
(Sep 21, 2015, 08:19 PM)Zeyon link Wrote: [ -> ]I hope you're not leaving because of the server situation. Hope to see you again.

No, mainly because of exams

I will admit I kinda disappeared though
Bye Basic, good luck in whatever you do (exams r importunt)
Goodbye my friend, good luck in your exams and I hope you stay in contact.
You're leaving? I think you need more beatings of justice!

Oh man :/ I'm gonna miss seeing you around man, hope to see you around in the feature you'll always have a home here onĀ  limelight.

Goodbye Smile
No no no no no, this ain't happening no.
Pages: 1 2