Aug 28, 2015, 04:55 PM
Feel free to debate here, as I will too.
Let me just point out a few things with this.
This does not break the rules, but certain admins think it does, let me just demolish your point here.
"Rule 1.1 using cheats, hacks or abusing glitches is not allowed."
definition of cheat - act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.
In order to gain an advantage - Click Botting gives no advantage as its one second, the same time as the server allows the tree to be cut, 1 second.
So a player who clicks at 1 second without a clickbot gets the same amount of wood with a person who has there click bot set to 1 second.
In no way can we make this faster or get a advantage, its the same because the 1 second is server side.
definition of hack - gain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
I'm not even gonna argue this as its common sense.
definition of glitch - a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or fault of equipment.
This is also common sense, but for anyone who does not know, Faustie programmed the tree cutting to be like this, so no its not a glitch.
We get no advantage other players
Check the my section above, the only advantage we get is that we don't hurt our fingers or get a RSI.
Money, we earn the same amount as everyone else, plus it allows us to earn money easier and faster(No advantage though!) I'd rather not be sat in a room doing contraband waiting for some fucker to come through the door so I can kill him, I prefer to leave it click botting, go downstairs and do something that I want to do, its easier to make money and allows roleplay to be easier, next point.
Roleplay, with the money we have earned from wood cutting it allows us to buy things and roleplay, I have a chavved up ford focus, hardly any weapons, and I don't have a suit.
So without a suit I can't do any business roleplay without looking like a total twat, I can definitely not do security work as I don't have a suit or weapons.
I can't do police chases on me because my car goes 30 MPH and they just ram me into a wall, but with a faster car, a lot of police officer(i've seen) don't shoot your car and do a chase with you! Amazing right?
Injury, Clicking like that this to get money is very very stupid, its not a bad idea, but its stupid to not use a clickbot.
My fingers were numb after a certain admin said yesterday "clickbots are not allowed" as a result of this, I crashed my fucking car into somebody, got cdmed because I couldn't move and many more things.
I'd also like to point out RSI, so when you go to the A&E its gonna be a bit like this "I've hurt my wrist from madly clicking on a game to earn virtual cash because I don't have any cash on the game!
I think I've made my points fairly clear, so if any of the players or admins wish to debate with me, I'll be up for that.
Edit: I'd also like to point out that I'm not finding loopholes, I just simply took the definitions of the terms and pointed it out to you.
Let me just point out a few things with this.
This does not break the rules, but certain admins think it does, let me just demolish your point here.
"Rule 1.1 using cheats, hacks or abusing glitches is not allowed."
definition of cheat - act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.
In order to gain an advantage - Click Botting gives no advantage as its one second, the same time as the server allows the tree to be cut, 1 second.
So a player who clicks at 1 second without a clickbot gets the same amount of wood with a person who has there click bot set to 1 second.
In no way can we make this faster or get a advantage, its the same because the 1 second is server side.
definition of hack - gain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
I'm not even gonna argue this as its common sense.
definition of glitch - a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or fault of equipment.
This is also common sense, but for anyone who does not know, Faustie programmed the tree cutting to be like this, so no its not a glitch.
We get no advantage other players
Check the my section above, the only advantage we get is that we don't hurt our fingers or get a RSI.
Money, we earn the same amount as everyone else, plus it allows us to earn money easier and faster(No advantage though!) I'd rather not be sat in a room doing contraband waiting for some fucker to come through the door so I can kill him, I prefer to leave it click botting, go downstairs and do something that I want to do, its easier to make money and allows roleplay to be easier, next point.
Roleplay, with the money we have earned from wood cutting it allows us to buy things and roleplay, I have a chavved up ford focus, hardly any weapons, and I don't have a suit.
So without a suit I can't do any business roleplay without looking like a total twat, I can definitely not do security work as I don't have a suit or weapons.
I can't do police chases on me because my car goes 30 MPH and they just ram me into a wall, but with a faster car, a lot of police officer(i've seen) don't shoot your car and do a chase with you! Amazing right?
Injury, Clicking like that this to get money is very very stupid, its not a bad idea, but its stupid to not use a clickbot.
My fingers were numb after a certain admin said yesterday "clickbots are not allowed" as a result of this, I crashed my fucking car into somebody, got cdmed because I couldn't move and many more things.
I'd also like to point out RSI, so when you go to the A&E its gonna be a bit like this "I've hurt my wrist from madly clicking on a game to earn virtual cash because I don't have any cash on the game!

I think I've made my points fairly clear, so if any of the players or admins wish to debate with me, I'll be up for that.
Edit: I'd also like to point out that I'm not finding loopholes, I just simply took the definitions of the terms and pointed it out to you.