Aug 19, 2015, 06:44 AM
Suggestion for <in-game.>
In detail, explain your suggestion:
Simply put, just a /roll command from 1-100 for those who wish to add a bit of flavor to their RPs.
Why should this be implemented?
For those wanting to add more detail to their RPs its often times not exactly easy to decide who does what in say a fist fight.
If i attempt to grab ones arm to gain the upperhand, how do we decide who actualy pulls it off?
Often times both want theirs to succeed but choseing isnt exactly easy, with this just /roll and essentialy have it decided for you, depending on how much higher the roll decides just how successfull the action was.
This would be optional and meerly there for those who want to make use of it.
Me being talked to by an officer about my improperly parked car, that is also a getaway vehicle, i ask the officer if hes willing to go along with a more detailed Roll RP, he agrees.
[me=BlackDog]attempts to kick the officer in the balls[/me]
/roll (86)
Officer rolls to avoid /roll (15)
In this case he just got sacked and has no ground to attempt a counter as his roll was so much lower and since he agreed to go along with it, would RP accordingly, adding a bit of flavor to the situation for those involved.
Of course if the roll's were reversed, good chance he could now counter the attack and the RP would move in an entirely different direction where neither party is sure how it will end, but that in the end the results we're unexpected, but fair
In detail, explain your suggestion:
Simply put, just a /roll command from 1-100 for those who wish to add a bit of flavor to their RPs.
Why should this be implemented?
For those wanting to add more detail to their RPs its often times not exactly easy to decide who does what in say a fist fight.
If i attempt to grab ones arm to gain the upperhand, how do we decide who actualy pulls it off?
Often times both want theirs to succeed but choseing isnt exactly easy, with this just /roll and essentialy have it decided for you, depending on how much higher the roll decides just how successfull the action was.
This would be optional and meerly there for those who want to make use of it.
Me being talked to by an officer about my improperly parked car, that is also a getaway vehicle, i ask the officer if hes willing to go along with a more detailed Roll RP, he agrees.
[me=BlackDog]attempts to kick the officer in the balls[/me]
/roll (86)
Officer rolls to avoid /roll (15)
In this case he just got sacked and has no ground to attempt a counter as his roll was so much lower and since he agreed to go along with it, would RP accordingly, adding a bit of flavor to the situation for those involved.
Of course if the roll's were reversed, good chance he could now counter the attack and the RP would move in an entirely different direction where neither party is sure how it will end, but that in the end the results we're unexpected, but fair