Steam Name: [L²] War
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49758344
Hours: Between 50-70 (I know this is a terrible estimate, but it's late at night and I can't hop on to check, however if requested later I can give an exact answer next time I'm on.)
Role you wish to apply for: Detective
Are you able to communicate with the team effectively? If so, how? I can use either TS or the radio. English is my native language. I'm also a very friendly person to get along with. I focus on the objective at hand, and tend to not get distracted or sidetracked. I will try to utilize the code words (10-4) and the rest to my advantage. That way I don't have to constantly explain the exact situation over the radio.
Have you read the EC
D guidelines at the bottom of the main post?: Yes. I'll continue to read them if I'm accepted so I'll do my best to remember them, though I do already know a few.
Full Name: Matthew Bellator
Age: Twenty eight
Have you had any experience with roles in the police force? (Be Descriptive): Yes, also military experience. I've been deployed to places all around the world, however I've also received education in criminal justice, not only have I learned training and tactics, but also I've acquired what it takes to be in law enforcement, it's not only about going by the book, but also having good judgement. Being able to make the right call for the right situation and thinking quickly in heavy situations. Being in command and being confident also apply in these fields.
Why I believe I should receive a role in criminal investigation is because of my knowledge in criminal forensics, also observation. I have knowledge of special ways to obtain evidence, such as DNA Fingerprinting, also acquiring blood samples and hair evidence, sperm, also fingerprints (there's a difference between DNA Fingerprinting and normal fingerprinting.). Observation is key in a role such as this, you need to be aware of witnesses, as well as anything from the scene, be it a simple trashcan knocked over, or a massive hole in the wall from an explosive.
I understand this is a lot of information, I will understand if I do not receive the job, but I believe that if you do hire me, not only will I communicate but I will give it my best.
Do you know basic firearm safety rules?: Yes, never aim your weapon at someone unless you intend to use it, always treat your weapon as if it is always loaded, even when it's not. Be mature with your surroundings, don't wave your gun around like it's in a video game, keep your weapon clean. I'm only listing a few but if need be I can continue, however I do not think this is necessary, the overall answer is yes, I know how to use and treat a weapon.
Do you understand that, unless you are in the immediate vicinity of a crime/on scene, you do not respond to calls without Dispatch Confirmation?: Yes, I am aware. It's for the officer's safety and the safety of those in the area that dispatch is always on top of things.