Aug 18, 2015, 05:09 AM
![[Image: ecpd2.png]](

An RP Event regarding the EC

The main reason for this event being proposed is because of a distinct lack of communication from some officers of the law. This can be extremely infuriating, and it makes the EC

Server: V33X
Time: Undecided (Going on holiday for a week, so any suggestions are welcome)
-Experience with the role of an EC

-Knowledge of Police Scanner codes (Basic ones, like 10-4, 10-20, 10-8. You do not need to know the entire handbook. I will put a summary of the simple ones at the bottom of this post.)
-Common sense. As in, don't shoot at a speeding vehicle.
-Ability to communicate in some way. Either using the In-Game radio chat, or using TeamSpeak.
-Ability to RP effectively in a variety of situations (IE don't rush in like mad with no plan during a hostage situation)
-Ability to understand the chain of command (Failure to do so will result in demotion)
As an EC


The Dispatcher is responsible for Officer assignment. While at the scene of a crime, the highest ranking officer takes command, the Dispatcher makes sure they get to that scene. Prioritizing calls depending on which are more important or not, they will decide how many Officers are required to respond.
[glow=red,1,300]APPLICATIONS CLOSED[/glow]

Commander of the EC

Doodleh [STEAM_0:1:16781762]
[glow=red,1,300]APPLICATIONS CLOSED[/glow]

These Officers of the EC

[L²:RP]Mr.UnionSniper#Mafia3 [STEAM_0:1:35216760]
Ping-Hotel [STEAM_0:0:57638915]
[L²:RP] Ranger [STEAM_0:0:49875694]
waj the cheeky munter [STEAM_0:0:40819487]
[glow=red,1,300]APPLICATIONS CLOSED[/glow]


[L²] War [STEAM_0:1:49758344]
[glow=red,1,300]APPLICATIONS CLOSED[/glow]

While the Sergeant Patrols, much like other EC

Mr Doc [STEAM_0:1:61661230]
[glow=red,1,300]APPLICATIONS CLOSED[/glow]

The EC

Judge Rage [STEAM_0:1:59572596]
Lalipar [STEAM_0:1:40688431]
[glow=red,1,300]APPLICATIONS CLOSED[/glow]

Cadets tend to be unarmed PD Officials, however some may be issued a sidearm. These Officers do not have all the powers of a fully fledged officer, and tend to ride along with other officers as a trainee, observing how they do their role. They may assist with arrests, and raids, but tend to be under-equipped and unprepared.
No Applicants
[glow=green,1,300]APPLICATIONS OPEN[/glow]
[glow=blue,1,300][FDEC- EMS Officer][/glow]
While not technically a part of the EC

[L²:RP] Lord Octagon [STEAM_0:0:65579019]
CounterCraftz [STEAM_0:0:8599803]
[glow=green,1,300]APPLICATIONS OPEN[/glow]
[glow=blue,1,300][FDEC - Firefighter Unit][/glow]
Like the EMS Officers, Firefighter units respond only with Dispatch confirmation, while not technically being a part of the EC

No Applicants
[glow=green,1,300]APPLICATIONS OPEN[/glow]

When citizens need help, they call the EC

[L²:RP] BasicallyMental [STEAM_0:1:94870333]
[glow=red,1,300]APPLICATIONS CLOSED[/glow]

S.W.A.T. Officers, unlike standard EC

MrBigSneeze [STEAM_0:1:43202742]
The Bathroom of Oscar Pistorius[STEAM_0:1:39855121]
Space Glitch[STEAM_0:0:80111414]
[glow=green,1,300]APPLICATIONS OPEN[/glow]
[Application Form:]
Steam Name:
Hour Count:
Role you wish to apply for:
Are you able to communicate with a team effectively? If so, how?:
Have you read the EC
D guidelines at the bottom of the main post?:
Full Name:
Have you had any experience with roles in the police force? (Be Descriptive):
Do you know basic firearm safety rules?:
Do you understand that, unless you are in the immediate vicinity of a crime/on scene, you do not respond to calls without Dispatch Confirmation?:
Steam Name:
Hour Count:
Role you wish to apply for:
Are you able to communicate with a team effectively? If so, how?:
Have you read the EC

Full Name:
Have you had any experience with roles in the police force? (Be Descriptive):
Do you know basic firearm safety rules?:
Do you understand that, unless you are in the immediate vicinity of a crime/on scene, you do not respond to calls without Dispatch Confirmation?:

10-0 = Caution/Be Wary
10-4 = Copy/Confirmed/Understood
10-7 = Off Duty
10-8 = On Duty/Reporting for Duty
10-15 = Prisoner In Custody
10-17 = Request for Petrol/Gasoline
10-20 = Location
10-26 = Clear
10-34 = Assist at Office (Nexus)
10-45 = Status of Patient/Injured man
10-45A = Healthy/Stable, EMS No longer needed
10-45B = Stable, EMS required
10-45C = Critical Condition
10-45D = Dead On Arrival
10-50 = Drugs (Possession/Under the effects of)
10-53 = Officer Down
10-71 = Shooting
(Note: You can use other codes if you know them, on the condition that you type what they mean afterwards too. This is for the people who do not know every code's sake, as to keep communication smooth.)
Priority Codes:
Dispatch will issue Priority Codes with most of their orders. These reflect the urgency of the call.
Zero: Respond Immediately, no matter what situation you are in. (Reserved for catastrophic situations such as nuclear warheads being used by terrorists.)
One: Respond as soon as possible, but do not rush if you are in the middle of something. (IE Shootout, and a call to another area for a shootout. In this case you would ignore it and stay put.)
Two: Respond soon, disregard if on scene. (IE Officers 10-98, available to assign, should only respond)
Three: Respond soon, no need to rush.
Emergency Codes:
Code 2 = Urgent - no light or siren
Code 3 = Use lights and siren
Code 4 = No further assistance needed
Code 5 = Stakeout
Code 6 = Stay out of area
Code 7 = Meal break
Code 8 = Restroom break
Code 9 = Summer uniform
Code 10 = SWAT pre-call up (Be ready to deploy, but do not move to assist)
Code 11 = SWAT Call up
Code 37 = Subject/Property wanted
You follow rank and file, no matter what. If a higher-ranking officer orders you to do something on scene, you do so.
10-4 = Copy/Confirmed/Understood
10-7 = Off Duty
10-8 = On Duty/Reporting for Duty
10-15 = Prisoner In Custody
10-17 = Request for Petrol/Gasoline
10-20 = Location
10-26 = Clear
10-34 = Assist at Office (Nexus)
10-45 = Status of Patient/Injured man
10-45A = Healthy/Stable, EMS No longer needed
10-45B = Stable, EMS required
10-45C = Critical Condition
10-45D = Dead On Arrival
10-50 = Drugs (Possession/Under the effects of)
10-53 = Officer Down
10-71 = Shooting
(Note: You can use other codes if you know them, on the condition that you type what they mean afterwards too. This is for the people who do not know every code's sake, as to keep communication smooth.)
Priority Codes:
Dispatch will issue Priority Codes with most of their orders. These reflect the urgency of the call.
Zero: Respond Immediately, no matter what situation you are in. (Reserved for catastrophic situations such as nuclear warheads being used by terrorists.)
One: Respond as soon as possible, but do not rush if you are in the middle of something. (IE Shootout, and a call to another area for a shootout. In this case you would ignore it and stay put.)
Two: Respond soon, disregard if on scene. (IE Officers 10-98, available to assign, should only respond)
Three: Respond soon, no need to rush.
Emergency Codes:
Code 2 = Urgent - no light or siren
Code 3 = Use lights and siren
Code 4 = No further assistance needed
Code 5 = Stakeout
Code 6 = Stay out of area
Code 7 = Meal break
Code 8 = Restroom break
Code 9 = Summer uniform
Code 10 = SWAT pre-call up (Be ready to deploy, but do not move to assist)
Code 11 = SWAT Call up
Code 37 = Subject/Property wanted
You follow rank and file, no matter what. If a higher-ranking officer orders you to do something on scene, you do so.