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Full Version: Addition to /pass command
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Suggestion for servers

In detail, explain your suggestion: If the /pass command for Nexus Desk Secretaries is carried over from FL to LLRP, add a new command allowing NDS to issue custom passes (e.g. 'Gun License').

Why should this be implemented? I believe with the implementation of the /pass command, NDS RP was improved. Adding this custom command to issue custom passes seems like a good idea. If the President wishes for people to own a firearms license, a NDS can now issue it through a custom command.

CMR's great contribution:

Makes it a lot easier than having to check the laws, as some presidents don't post licenses up on them.
Here's an idea: What if you changed the green/blue field to a text field? Obviously you could have it check to see if it says "green" or "blue" first and then substitute what we normally have, but it'd keep the command the same as it is, just modify it.

/pass <player> give <green/blue/custom>

/pass CMR give blue CMR99 has a Presidential pass
/pass CMR give Gun License CMR99 has a Gun License (could add support for spaces somehow, idk)
+Support would be a great deal easier for president's who decide to do this
[Image: sgk3r5.png]

HUGE +Support
+ Support

Would improve the SecretaryRP massively.
+support. Makes it a lot easier than having to check the laws, as some presidents don't post licenses up on them.
Here's an idea: What if you changed the green/blue field to a text field? Obviously you could have it check to see if it says "green" or "blue" first and then substitute what we normally have, but it'd keep the command the same as it is, just modify it.

/pass <player> give <green/blue/custom>

/pass CMR give blue CMR99 has a Presidential pass
/pass CMR give Gun License CMR99 has a Gun License (could add support for spaces somehow, idk)
(Aug 2, 2015, 10:50 AM)CMR99 link Wrote: [ -> ]snip

added to op Smile
Holy ****

This would be a great addition to the gamemode.

yes just yes
+1 This would be really helpful
+Support 10/10 idea -IGN
Pages: 1 2