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Full Version: Physical Plate Item
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Explain your suggestion, in detail: With the addition to unique plates, I know there is now a market for trading and selling custom plates. This can be helped with the addition of the ability to as the owner remove a number plate causing the plate to reset to default and would give you an item similar to the fake plate but would say "Custom Plate (PLATE)". Then you could give this to someone or use yourself and by looking at a car and clicking use would swap over the existing plate for the one linked to the item.

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented: This should be implemented to try and prevent scamming as currently if someone was to sell someone a plate theyd have to remove it and the other person quickly purchase it leaving a small window for someone to snipe it.

[Image: rIxjcIw.png]
Thank you for your suggestion, John Jong!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
i agree with him

This is already part of the plan for stage 2.
Closing, this has been completed and will be going live tomorrow as part of Plates Update pt2