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Explain your suggestion, in detail:

Custom Acts
A series of custom animations that were made by Lesanka and I, from static animations, animated ones & group animations.

[Image: pRfkJjS.png]

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:

We have the basics right now, but these animations add a whole other level of roleplay. Want to be an old man? We have an animation for that! Are you in a dress and want to preserve your modesty? We have an act for that! They're perfect for every scenario.

I don't have a full list because honestly there's too many! These acts were made by Lesanka and I in 2016 and I believe there's about 80 of them in total. I'll leave it up to the LL team to decide which one they want to add, if any, but I believe the walking animations & sitting ones in particular are very important!
Thank you for your suggestion, Divey!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
We made these with Divey so obviously I love them and I want to roleplay with the acts.

Here's a link to a gallery with a lot of these acts:
These acts would add SO much more to any RP. Highly recommend.
Ah yes, I've seen and played with these in that other place. These indeed do enhance the athmosphere quite a bit for me at least, even though these might be a bit of a background thing.

The best thing about this is that this shouldn't be any extra content to download and there shouldn't be any lag, unlike with some broken cars GRRRRR
Forgot to put last night*


I need my lady sit act, hands front & crossarm to rp
Trust us, This will be definitely the best one..
Quick note: few of those acts (as for example.: crossed arm stand, lean, guard, praying) are available via F5 menu.

Most of theese are already implemented so it will be


Here is link to update post:

After further consideration (thanks for your input ) I'm willing to change my opinion. Must have interpreted it wrong. It could be a nice addition to improving Roleplay possibilites. 

(Jan 16, 2025, 12:30 PM)X_MAXXX_X Wrote: [ -> ]Quick note: few of those acts (as for example.: crossed arm stand, lean, guard, praying) are available via F5 menu.

Most of theese are already implemented so it will be


Here is link to update post:

As stated in the post, there are about 80 acts that were made, I don't see why your -support would impact adding the rest, as this was not a suggestion to replace any of the acts we currently have. Here's the animations you didn't list!

Slouch, Posture, Red Carpet, CPR, Hands Behind Head, Deal, Scared, Proud, Think, Kneel, Look, Prissy, Sad, Hand, Whisper, SitSad, SitClap, SitPray, Sleep, Welcome, Blow Kiss, Wait, Arm Hug, SitSleep, Hug, Security, SitChairLady, Slav, Tough, Zen, Lounge, Arm Hurt, Search, Lie Down, SitCross, Brush Hands, Man Spread, Salute, Shrug, Cross Sign, Stretch, Slap, Push-Ups, SitRelax, Hunch, Leg Tap, Pockets, Lazy, Cursty, Face Palm, Patriot, Make It Rain, Shiver, Waltz, Drink, Cower, Flex, Angry, Threat, Tie

And for what was said in the update post you linked, you can also notice this part:
Currently we have 21 new animations, but we plan on adding more so feel free to suggest any ideas you may have!

Hope that helps!
Pushing for Staff Review.
