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add a twitter, basically same as an advert. the command will be /tweet


itl be pretty sick to tweet out things relating to events in the city idk
Thank you for your suggestion, pufitee!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
Isn't that just advert?
(Jan 8, 2025, 09:49 PM)Dick Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't that just advert?

Aye, but he has a point. Seeing adverts about overthrowing the government is a touch unrealistic, seeing it on social media however...
Think if it were implemented, it should be fleshed out more than just another command and replacing the [ADVERT] prefix with [TWEET], when used. Not sure how it could be fleshed out though.

Imo, regardless of whether it says [TWEET] or is used via a command, it has no effect on roleplay or gameplay so is no different from someone posting an advert with it the same message - so adding a /tweet command for the sake of it changing the ADVERT to TWEET seems a bit pointless to me.
okay yes its basically the same as an advert but instead of it being purple, itl say [TWEET] with blue text

this will be mainly used for social media things like "oh hey this shop at xyz is great", "these laws are great", "the police did xyz to my dog" type thing. its more so to use advertisements as advertising and twitter can be used as random social media posts
+support adverts should be for advertising tweets are better suited for general communication

Given the explanation of how its to be used for IC messaging that isnt catagorized an Advertisement i think there is a reason to add this rather than it being just another /advert.
I mean in fairness adverts are used as twitter regardless so, +support.
I like it in concept, right now it would feel out of place. - Having something like this when your menus are in a mobile phone/tablet would make more sense, but that's not what we currently have.
+ Support

We don't have a phone, so why not have an option to speak in character to the whole server in a tweet like manner.

Adverts are used like 90% of the time for businesses. I think the text color for adverts should be red or something to draw everyone's attention and tweets come off on the soft purple color.
big gta rp +support

Having a "social media" or something similar would also differentiate IC and OOC which is a good thing. There's metagaming and people being salty in OOC, this platform would solve the majority of that
+Support. Easy addition to make more interactions
Pushing for Staff Review.
