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Explain your suggestion, in detail: My suggestion is to utilise the old note system or have a new one where I could use a cmd like /card and it would drop a note with a random number between 1 and 10. If I then looked at the same card and used the command again the card would update and add the two numbers together.

Ex. I did /card and it drew a 4 of spades the note would appear saying "*card: 4*" and a /it would appear saying that a 4 of spades had been drawn. If I then did the command again whilst looking at said card it would then update the note and if it pulled say a 7 of hearts it would then update the note to say *card: 4+3 = 7* and again a similar /it would appear stating that a 7 of hearts had been drawn. This system is currently on the other server and works really well!

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented: Currently theres no quick way of playing custom player built card games, this would make it much easier and more enjoyable for all!
Thank you for your suggestion, John Jong!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
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I've taken this on to work on and I'm curious about what the expectation is.

Is it sufficient to simply generate a random card each time?
Are you looking to remove a card from being drawn again? How do you see this working if so?
Should the draw be based on a full deck (1/52) or a full suit (1/13)?

Any input would be appreciated.
(Feb 12, 2025, 07:30 PM)Night Wrote: [ -> ] I've taken this on to work on and I'm curious about what the expectation is.

Is it sufficient to simply generate a random card each time?
Are you looking to remove a card from being drawn again? How do you see this working if so?
Should the draw be based on a full deck (1/52) or a full suit (1/13)?

Any input would be appreciated.

Literally just a random card utitlising the current /card command but it places a note with the number so 3 of Hearts would just say 3 or could have a heart monochome emoji. Then if you were to use the same command again whilst looking at an existing card it would update what it would say so if you then drew a 8 of clubs it would say "3 + 8 = 11" or "3 ♥︎ + 8 ♣︎ = 11".

Edit: If you want to go fancy and remove cards from the deck then you can but imo its really not needed/worth the extra work.
Added by Night in rev 561f1d2