Explain your suggestion, in detail: Currently can only hold 25 of each pocket size, this is too small and quite limiting, being able to at least double it would mean we can hold more items and a bit more freedom on what we have on us.
Explain why the suggestion should be implemented: Means we can hold more items and less restricted.
Thank you for your suggestion, John Jong!
It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
I'm currently carrying a small arsenal, hundreds of different foods, enough clothing to stock 3 different face models wardrobes, a bunch of black market crap and a few bits and bobs in every other category. I still have plenty of space.
I know you buy things in bulk dude, but sounds like you need to do some spring cleaning or get used to speaking to shop keepers more often.
i like to have accessories and all the other stuff to enhance my rp. should be a case of if you can buy the pockets you can get more space. until theres a system (if there will be) to store things in like stashes or cars then it doesnt make sense to not increase this.
Considering a lot of people back then abused the system and now hold 3,000 or more inventory space, it's just fair to open it up in general. There's no storage system either so far.
too sentimental to throw away/sell shit
(Jan 6, 2025, 07:49 PM)Nudelsalat im Panzer Wrote: [ -> ]+support
Considering a lot of people back then abused the system and now hold 3,000 or more inventory space, it's just fair to open it up in general. There's no storage system either so far.
If there was a way of correcting that (i.e pockets start to deprecate over time until you reach the limit or spare capacity is slowly whittled down when you have 100+ spare space for X time) would you support staying on the current system? The inequality is definitely an issue but bring back the old problem of shops never opening cause everyone has 50+ of every one of their preferred firearm is hardly the solution. The current capacity, in my opinion, does actually allow for a fair bit of prep ahead of time, for example I'm still eating food that was made trying to get my cooking up and I've only just had to replace my guns leftover from pre-reboot.
(Jan 6, 2025, 05:27 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ]-support
I'm currently carrying a small arsenal, hundreds of different foods, enough clothing to stock 3 different face models wardrobes, a bunch of black market crap and a few bits and bobs in every other category. I still have plenty of space.
I know you buy things in bulk dude, but sounds like you need to do some spring cleaning or get used to speaking to shop keepers more often.
See I understand where youre coming from, however, you play on the whole passively which doesnt require large storage space. However, as someone that typically plays more aggro RP you need lots of storage for guns, meds, food etc...
(Jan 7, 2025, 06:27 PM)John Jong Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 6, 2025, 05:27 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ]-support
I'm currently carrying a small arsenal, hundreds of different foods, enough clothing to stock 3 different face models wardrobes, a bunch of black market crap and a few bits and bobs in every other category. I still have plenty of space.
I know you buy things in bulk dude, but sounds like you need to do some spring cleaning or get used to speaking to shop keepers more often.
See I understand where youre coming from, however, you play on the whole passively which doesnt require large storage space. However, as someone that typically plays more aggro RP you need lots of storage for guns, meds, food etc...
I've definitely stocked up more than I ever have in the past, about 20 of each gun I like to use and equal amounts of ammo. Definitely less than you in terms of meds and ammo, but I'm currently carrying half of the output from
trying to get his cooking level maxxed first. Point being, even if I RPed the same amount of aggro as you, I'd still be good for a few days before finding a vendor to restock me. I think a smaller inventory heavily encourages day-to-day rp, which helps the server feel more alive and eternally gives new guys a way to get started with their first REPs, income and getting to know the community.
I think the inventory system is due for an overhaul anyhow. But until then it's only fair this is raised
Pushing for Staff Review.