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Full Version: Integrate Phonebox with phonebook
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Explain your suggestion, in detail:

Integrate phonebox to have phonebook

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:

As far as I have been able to work out, it seems to work as a feature to contact players on an OOC basis as it shows only steam names, unless I am missing something

The phone book is an exciting feature, I would just love to see it integrated to the phone box with RP names only, and have the option to list your occupation in the phone box (I think it should be automatic if you're a merchant except BMD or anything underground related)

As mentioned in my other thread, this could be an interesting means to contact the government, especially if you're RPing as an anarchist/Corleone member etc

I have made this thread to make a more accurate poll

What's your thoughts?


Nac Smile
Thank you for your suggestion, Nacreas!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
I think we do away with both and have an actual mobile phone in everyone hotbar like other servers do. We can have apps on there like yellow pages which will be the new /phonebook and maybe a dark web app for which would be the criminal /phonebook (or just merge both into one app to keep it simple) and we can have a no caller id option for phonebooth calls. And would be good to call with actual voice or send text messages on there.
Pushing for Staff Review.
