Limelight Forums

Full Version: Warrants and Vehicles
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Explain your suggestion, in detail:
If you have a warrant, prevent your vehicle from being put away.

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
If you have a warrant, your vehicle is connected to the crime. Being able to ditch your vehicle or trying to swap it for another car shouldn't allowed. This can expand police investigations and make criminals make better choices before committing crimes with their vehicles.
Thank you for your suggestion, Dick!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
Only if you can swap the license plats and change the colours/looks of it. Criminals in real life dump + change there cars all the time. If this isn't added with it it seems a little bit unrealistic to me that people can't scrap a car that's connected to crime.

-support without other features added
Car-swapping is annoying, but it occurs in real life and is a perfectly viable, and often effective, way of escaping the police.

License plates are unique to the player, so if they do car-swap, their new car will have the same reg and will still ping ANPR the same. Also, not knowing which car the suspect might be using encourages the police to conduct random stops ("you match the description of blah"), which is another RP opportunity that shouldn't be taken away.

Pushing for Staff Review.

Approving this because it will work in conjunction with other features to be implemented in a single update, which will address the concerns stated within this thread.