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Full Version: Manufacturing Items Cooldown
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Explain your suggestion, in detail:
Change the manufacturing times on items.

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
Have you ever done cooking before? Received a big order before? You know how tedious it must be to wait 8-12 seconds for each shipment to be successfully produced. Sure, you can continue to roleplay it out while purchasing but it does come to a point where pressing the purchase button several times does become tedious.

I have a few different manufacturing options ideas.

Option A: No (or 1 second) Cooldown for Manufacturing in Inventory
This would remove the (or be lowered to 1 second) cooldown when manufacturing items inside of your inventory. This would prevent the server from being overloaded with spam from people placing items from manufacturing while allowing easy access to cooking.

Option B: Manufacture several items at once
This would allow the user to manufacture a set number of items instead of the unusual 5. I think It should still remain in shipments of 5, but allow the player to purchase more than just 5 at a time. A certain limit could be added, such as 20, but for things such as cooking, buying a mixture of 3-4 items and waiting 8 seconds for each shipment to make only 1 or 2 items is quite tedious.
Thank you for your suggestion, Dick!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.

I think the best solution would be to have all market shipments come as singles by default, then allow the merchants to spawn batches, like you say up to 20, for example.
Pushing for Staff Review.
