It's pretty sad to see the community that once was the dominant one out of the two - Limelight and Fearless - slowly crossing over to it's counterpart at the start of this saga. I think we can pretty much draw a graph with a massive X on it, Fearless had very low player counts but now exceed Limelight consistently and easily. Limelight once had this but now consistently has low player counts. If I was Limelight, I'd start to pick my ass up a little bit. However, comparing with Fearless isn't going to help bring back players so let's get onto the point.
I was speaking with ForceGhost the other day about Limelight and it's content, whilst it's not something that will massively improve player count on its own it does add up to the many small problems Limelight has. Limelight's content is very inconsistent between how it works and the user interfaces. Some addons feel like they've been strapped from Gmodstore whilst some feel properly made for Limelight. By this I mean, the content is very inconsistent and self-intuitive, especially for new users.
Which pretty much leads me onto my main point. Some features in Limelight require commands, where are these commands written? Nowhere. New players are going to join the server and have literally no clue how to do anything. Which is pretty much one of the larger issues as a whole - new player friendliness. Limelight, as a gamemode, isn't user-friendly.
Let's say that I'm a new player who's just connected to the server and I want to grow some weed. How would I know how the weed system works without having to search through the forums? I wouldn't. I also shouldn't
have to rely on other players in-game to teach or show me how something works. There should be a guide in-game which pops up, or something along those lines, when I place down a weed pot. An example of this is like the Arma 3 help menu, see image 1. This would massively reduce the fact that new players pretty much have to rely on other players to guide them through the gamemode, and would also stop new players from getting bored because they can't do anything without asking someone a question.
"But Cole, isn't that what teachers are for?" - Teachers aren't robots, they're not online 24/7 and they don't know everything about the gamemode. Teachers also shouldn't have to be teaching players how to use, what appear to be basic for long-term players, features or mechanics in the gamemode. Instead they should be teaching players how to roleplay, improve upon roleplays and other stuff along those lines (building, tools, etc.).
Will it take time to make these changes, should they get implemented? Yes. Does it require a load of developers? No. I'm sure the current team, both staff and non-staff (sorry Teachers and Contribs), will put the effort into helping Limelight if they actually want it to regrow and start becoming what it once was.
TL;DR - Limelight needs to become more user-friendly, especially for new players, in order to stop players relying on other players to show them how to use basic features and mechanics of the gamemode. Add back the commands tab. Add small pop up guides that show to players when they do something, such as placing a weed pot/UV light or when someone joins a job like 'Mechanic'. Making Limelight more user-friendly removes the need to rely on other members within the community and also makes new(er) players less bored since they're not constantly asking "how do I do this?" and "how do I do that?".