Reported Players: [L²:RP] MrMaaze (STEAM_0:1:127251248) (
Server: EU Live
Time: 2020-Apr-25 00:33
Summary: he beanbaged me, my friend got involved in a shootout and then the reported finished me off
, A Please make the WHOLE vid of it, why i beanbagd you, Why? Cause u broke FEARP as i ordered you Multiple times to put your hands up AFTER you shoot someone to death. I beanbagd you and didn't had the time to secure you in any way or form, Cause your Friend pulled out a Serby and directly started Firing at me, As i knew you were Armed as u shoot the guy, And your friend was shooting me I Did what i did to kinda safe my Chars life, As you still had a weapon on you and your friend was shooting me i finished you off cause then it will still be a 1vs1 instead of a 1vs2. So Please upload the Whole Vid of it 
Nah i want to see the Full Vid of it, As in your vid you were chillin with Zaid and Temar, So how about sending the Full vid of it? and How about questioning me or atleast asking me first Why i shoot him?
was given a warning ingame in regards to shooting injured players as police, which is always unacceptable.
ill leave this open as they seam to be wanting to raise other issues between involved.
As stated, I shoot him as i had 0 Time to put him in ANY kind of restraints to secure him. As his friend was shooting me and i knew was about to get up any second and then it would be 2 vs me i shoot riggs to ensure that i still had a chance of surviging, Also Please post the whole video of it.
He doesnt need to ask you why you shot, you broke a rule you literally shot him while on the ground, no questions needed.
Ye I shoot him as he STILL was armed, And had a DEADLY weapon on him, As if he would have stood up he would directly shoot me so i shoot him in self defense so i still would have a chance against you as i had 0time to cuff him, Also i would want to see the Full vid not only 3 seconds of it
(Apr 25, 2020, 02:50 AM)MrMaaze Wrote: [ -> ] As stated, I shoot him as i had 0 Time to put him in ANY kind of restraints to secure him. As his friend was shooting me and i knew was about to get up any second and then it would be 2 vs me i shoot riggs to ensure that i still had a chance of surviging, Also Please post the whole video of it.
Are you good? Do you understand the rules? You cant finish someone off as a cop because u cant restraint him? I was shooting at you and you knew you would lose the gunfight due to my amazing skills and decided to finish riggs off instead of shoot me
Well Do you know something about PROTECTING YOUR CHARS LIVE? I shoot riggs as he still had a FIREARM on him, And if he WOULD HAVE stood up he would have SHOOT Me, So i NEEDED to shoot him to still have a chance of winning the Gunfight against you 2. I now would like to see the Full viedo of it
10.7 - You cannot kill unarmed people or those who no longer pose a threat (injured, unconscious, handcuffed, etc). The only exception is if there is a dictator who orders an execution or capital punishment for an appropriate crime has been issued. You can shoot at fleeing vehicles only if the drivers are armed and dangerous or if they are clearly a threat to citizen/officers with the way they are driving.
I shoot him Cause he still was a threat, As he Was not cuffed, And still had a LOADED Firearm on him, So i did what i needed to do, to defend my Chars life which resulted in killing a Suspect who was armed with a Deadly weapon
(Apr 25, 2020, 02:56 AM)MrMaaze Wrote: [ -> ] 10.7 - You cannot kill unarmed people or those who no longer pose a threat (injured, unconscious, handcuffed, etc). The only exception is if there is a dictator who orders an execution or capital punishment for an appropriate crime has been issued. You can shoot at fleeing vehicles only if the drivers are armed and dangerous or if they are clearly a threat to citizen/officers with the way they are driving.
I shoot him Cause he still was a threat, As he Was not cuffed, And still had a LOADED Firearm on him, So i did what i needed to do, to defend my Chars life which resulted in killing a Suspect who was armed with a Deadly weapon
This isnt IRL you know fine he cant shoot you when injured you just wanted a bs reason to execute him because like i said u knew u would die and u thought i mean taking one of the 2 out is worth it. Dont be petty, Own up to your mistake and take it like a man.
at the time of my death / beanbag I had no firearm in my hands
Ye, But you had one on you, And your friend was shooting me, couple of more second and you would have stood up and shoot me, So in this case you are a threat to my chars life, Which resulted U being killed as u still had a LOADED firearm on you And i would wanted to take a risk of 2 ppl shooting me if i can only have 1 guy shooting me so, Upload the whole video Please