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Full Version: Adding a Prop Resizer
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Explain your suggestion, in detail: Adding a Tool Which Phisicaly and Actually Resizes Props, (not the cheap Resizer that make things look shit but an ACTUAL one.

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented: It should be Implemented as it could open some more RP
opportunities , I mean not RP opportunities But it will be great for Decorating, Also saving some props for example if you want to lay a floor down, and the regular props wont match the size.

Would have to be implemented into Advanced Dupes if not already.
+support will help stop the lag a little by cutting prop usage on custom building dupes

Could be very useful

To prevent minges putting down planet sized watermelons we should put a minimum hour requirement such as 10 hours.
(Apr 18, 2020, 02:58 AM)Ketchup Wrote: [ -> ]+Support

To prevent minges putting down planet sized watermelons we should put a minimum hour requirement such as 10 hours.

+ Support, 

We could put an hour requirement but I think having it as a REP reward for let's say 1 or two REPs would be more effective and an additional incentive to gain REPs.
Nah ibwould make an Hour limit of like 10 hours or so cuz at start you don't got much props for your builds, means you can't decorate it as much cuz u wasted all your props on the build itself
I'm confused, a tool resizer? As in, it makes props bigger? Scales them?
If I'm reading this correctly, then it gets a massive support from me. It would reduce how many props are needed to make simple things like the walls of a base.

Also means I can make more Asian RP with even more ridiculous realistic dupes Big Grin

Seems pretty good also as mentioned it will reduce prop usage in builds.
Pushing for Staff Review.

+Support could be useful but i think its almost impossible for the devs
This would be incredibly useful if we could use to to increase a part of a prop, or shrink a part of a prop so that it fits in a dupe
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