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Full Version: Properly label industrial
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Idea: Give each warehouse a number or identifying name

Why?: if there's a callout to the industrial it's fucking awkward to know which of the 9 warehouses it is

I mean sure why not.



Not a complex task


I don't see why this wasn't done before the change of maps.
+ Support
(Jul 31, 2019, 07:31 PM)Eddie Wrote: [ -> ]I don't see why this wasn't done before the change of maps.

Because the map was "already set up".
Pushing for Staff Review.


Industrial has been overhauled with more descriptive area/property names.

The Warehouses have been divided and labelled (Industrial Warehouse 1, 2, 3 and 4)
The Units have been divided and labelled (Industrial Unit 1, 2, 3 and 4)

Industrial Main Street, Tunnelside Street, Mid Street and Back Street have been added, with subareas covering the pavements.

Industrial Cliffside has been added, covering the area where the mining rocks are.

Industrial Back Street Parking and Industrial Back Street Alley has been added, covering the following:

[Image: gmod-Wq-K1skm-QVy.jpg]

MTL remains unchanged.