Jun 29, 2019, 05:03 PM
The Embassy Siege - Teaser Trailer
6 Days - Saturday 28th February
Objective Briefing:
Earlier today, 5 gunmen armed with automatic pistols of some description entered the Town Hall, overwhelming the single member of diplomatic security within, and taking the entire building hostage, minus one civilian who escaped out of the back courtroom door. The hostage takers have claimed they have rigged the building to explode via RGD-5 hand grenades. The following document is a basic rundown of the situation:
Kameel Al Malek - Ringleader (1/1)
Waleed El Srour - Negotiator (1/1)
Jameel El Hannan - Explosives (1/1)
Rafeeq El Dia - Muscle (2/2)
Aaish El Fayad - Muscle
-Multiple russian RGD-5 Hand Grenades fig 1
-Each with a IMI Uzi Submachine Gun fig 2
-Ringleader is carrying one Colt M1911 Pistol fig 3
Figure 1
![[Image: RGD-5_Grenade.png]](https://dayz.gamepedia.com/media/dayz.gamepedia.com/7/7f/RGD-5_Grenade.png)
figure 2
![[Image: UZI.png]](https://machinegunamericaorlando.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/UZI.png)
figure 3
![[Image: 19111.png]](https://www.yourfirsthandgun.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/19111.png)
Servicemen on-scene:
Hostage Recovery Team Lead (1/1)
Hostage Recovery Team Shield Bearer (1/1)
Hostage Recovery Operators (1/2)
Hostage Recovery Negotiator (1/1)
The hostage takers have threatened to shoot a hostage next afternoon at 1200 hours if their demands are not met. A field telephone has been placed inside for the hostage takers to negotiate through, however we could not cut the phone lines in time for the press not to have been notified, and a group of reporters have gathered outside the blockade (0/3). The current number of hostages known is (1/X)
The roles are selected based on suitability for the role rather than first come first serve
I recommend that both sides try and negotiate properly and eventually listen. I don't want a repeat of Rockford Job where all the hostages were set on fire in a vault, remember, if you kill a hostage, Hostage Recovery are moving in, so try and negotiate and avoid firing bullets.