(Jul 2, 2019, 11:07 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul 2, 2019, 10:35 PM)Tom_ Wrote: [ -> ]WHAT DO YOU FUCKING MEAN YOUR JUST PISSING ON MY GRAVE BECAUSE IM DUM
“I kill bad guy and help” isn’t a) verbose or b) really emanating why I should let you have the role
dont know what that means

(Jul 3, 2019, 04:56 AM)Temar Wrote: [ -> ]why am I being tagged?
Banter I guess. Probably best if you perm ban them, for good measure.
(Jul 3, 2019, 04:56 AM)Temar Wrote: [ -> ]why am I being tagged?
Appears someone applied under your name
Hostage Recovery Operative is now closed , please apply for another role and put in a more serious reason
Still require a lot of the roles folks, especially negotiators
Postponed - Lack of participants and forgot about graduation I have to attend.
That's fair enough, I assume you may have to rethink it a little too due to the change of map? Either way, feel free to @me here or PM me when you're ready!
Please apply for another role. With personal experience and your record in situations like this, you have been deemed not suitable for the role of negotiation.
A reminder to all that the negotiation roles are critical to this RP, and that anyone with a reputation for being either too bloodthirsty or too impatient will be denied.
Not checked the google sheet in a while but here we go:
accepted, basic role and you’ll be a fine hostage
Denied, your record for peacefully negotiating literally any situation is nil. I need people who are extremely reliable for negotiator roles.
Before considering applying, I'm gonna need a solid date.
(Sep 4, 2019, 11:14 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ]Not checked the google sheet in a while but here we go:
accepted, basic role and you’ll be a fine hostage
Denied, your record for peacefully negotiating literally any situation is nil. I need people who are extremely reliable for negotiator roles.
are you serious? I'm good, i even got a rep for being a negotiator
(Sep 4, 2019, 11:30 PM)Reebs Wrote: [ -> ]Before considering applying, I'm gonna need a solid date.
Yeah I'm still getting basic roles done, and I might have to extend invites to people for the negotiator if I can't find someone I trust for it. The RP is going to be HEAVILY based around the negotiators so i don't want people taking the iron lady approach to it on either side.
If you're trying to be the hostage RESCUE negotiator then you're accepted, however you seem to have applied for the terrorist on the other side of the phone.
(Sep 5, 2019, 09:07 PM)Montyfatcat Wrote: [ -> ] If you're trying to be the hostage RESCUE negotiator then you're accepted, however you seem to have applied for the terrorist on the other side of the phone.
Yeah my bad, I meant the hostage Rescue Negotiator in my application