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Full Version: Unisec Keypad regular door control
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Explain your suggestion, in detail:
Ability to control normal doors you have access too already, the owner of the keypad must have door access
Unlock, open, wait, close, lock (lock can be optional)

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
to allow use of normal doors instead of needing to build custom doors, keeps door more secure


Yes, not sure why this hasn't ever been suggested before.
+support, love the idea. Would be extremely useful ingame.

Update your OS

This would be a very nice and useful feature to have.

more creativity for doomforts!
+Support, doors like PD can be Weird and not open or say you don't have access so Yeah
Saw when you did this, it’s function is so benefitail +Support l
It can still be breached and shot open with a shotgun, right?

It also will kinda make lockpicks even more useless, unless they can also be used?
Why ya still using windows 7, come on man. 

it doesn't alter the door, simply adds a way to operate the door, normal door use will still function
Will you be able to use a keypad cracker as well?
I assume you can on current unisec keypad then yes
Pushing for Staff Review.

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