Limelight Forums

Full Version: Deconstruct Contraband
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Create a way for Contraband to be deconstructed to retrieve a number of different raw materials that might include:
  • Scrap electronics
  • Scrap metal
  • Etcetera
Could make it so that there is a random chance of getting one or none // contraband will be removed upon doing this.

Currently, there isn't a way to retrieve these materials except at car crashes.
Seems good, adds worth to raiding someone who has contra, as long as the chances are low so that metal doesn't suddenly become worth like, $300, because people keep spamming drug labs and deconstructing them
feel like this is something just waiting to be abused

(Feb 19, 2019, 10:22 PM)Rydolph Wrote: [ -> ]feel like this is something just waiting to be abused


How can it be abused if A) contraband is fairly expensive and B) you aren’t guaranteed to get an item you wanted or even any item

Makes more sense than running up to car crash scenes and picking up broken pieces of another persons car
Pushing for Staff Review.

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