Feb 6, 2019, 03:17 AM
Explain your suggestion, in detail:
The current policy in regards to having multiple doors is as follows:
Door rules
7.1 - You can have a maximum of 2 lockable custom doors leading to the same location in a base (i.e an attacker must be able to reach any accessible part of your base in 2 keypads or less) and there must be at least 2 metres (2PHX length) between two doors.
All custom doors must be openable by keypad or buttons from both sides, which should be clearly visible. When opened by keypad, custom doors must be held open for at least 5 seconds.
The person who owns the main (front) door of the building owns the entire building. Do not buy any other doors in that building or build there without the permission of the front door owner.
A member of staff can allow more than two custom doors to be built leading to the same location, and keypads/buttons to only be present on one side of a custom door in rare circumstances where the RP absolutely requires it – e.g custom prison building.
My suggestion is more or less to scrap this policy almost entirely and simply keep the 5 second requirement for doors to remain open.
"The person who owns the main (front) door of the building owns the entire building. Do not buy any other doors in that building or build there without the permission of the front door owner. "
This segment is also out of date and no longer required, as the door system now operates on a "Buy one, buy them all" system.
Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
The policy itself dates back around 5-7 years ago back on Fearless, in the times before molotovs and breaching charges could blow out entire walls, foundation, or doors themselves and people only had keypad crackers to bypass doors which take time, walls we're more or less impenetrable except via gunfire, but no real way existed to remove the wall itself during combat.
These days we have both molotovs and breaching charges, items that can bypass more or less any defense, are immediate in their usage and turn any "Doomfort" into a smoldering crater with enough of them.
No defensive zone can withstand well placed, and properly used and timed molotovs or breaches.
Thus it stands to reason: If we have the tools to bypass more or less any amount of doors, walls, defensive structures one could throw at you so long as you are prepared, why do we need policies stating you can only have 2?
MS Paint Time:
Now obviously the policy is designed to prevent somthing like this where every red line is a door, in complete succession, causing huge delays, and allowing defenders to just fire into the rooms they are entering.
![[Image: b8aacefc52115ea75aa76de4cf083d1b.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/b8aacefc52115ea75aa76de4cf083d1b.png)
Thankfully no building ive ever seen on an RP server is hard mapped into the map designed in such a way, thus only custom buildings made by players would be setup in such a way, or down thin hallways with just door after door.
![[Image: 41af92c7910d87e386cd493c4fea90d2.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/41af92c7910d87e386cd493c4fea90d2.png)
Though in both of these situations, the tools exist for people to simply bypass them: Molotov, or breach the doors, both criminals and police have access to at least 1 of these tools, so both sides can bypass these defenses with ease so long as they are prepared, or fall back and get what they need instead of charging into heavy machinegun fire like its WW1.
IE: If they we're custom builds designed to just funnel people down a hall of doors, breach at any number of the almost infinate number of places you could think to place a breach or molotov and presto, its no longer a problem and the defense falls apart:
![[Image: d3594bf29d7b64e5306115a6b6818410.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/d3594bf29d7b64e5306115a6b6818410.png)
![[Image: b37369de4ae54260540b03feb887bc98.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/b37369de4ae54260540b03feb887bc98.png)
If they have alot of doors, and its in a hard map building, then keep hammering the defenses until they crack. Unlike the Fortress World of Cadia, the planet wont break before they do, so keep the pressure on.
The current problem with the rule though beyond it not really being needed these days due to the tools we have at our disposal, is it actualy limits the RP potential of RP zones people build due to the nonsensical nature of the policy.
Example Custom build floorplan:
Red lines are locked doors
Green lines are unlocked
Blue line is a window
![[Image: ec1c4f6adf2f3220cddbe9f24adb2e41.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/ec1c4f6adf2f3220cddbe9f24adb2e41.png)
In this example, the only unsecure zone is the lobby at the entrance of the office complex, everywhere beyond is logicly locked and requires a password or employee pass.
Under this policy, this exact same layout starts looking like this:
![[Image: 984ab1fc71d0b3940eb24a80d93dd351.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/984ab1fc71d0b3940eb24a80d93dd351.png)
Logicly all zones beyond the lobby would be secured, but due to this policy once you hit 2 locked doors in, it must be unlocked, meaning if you want specific zones to be secure you need to start swapping locks.
![[Image: f8e2fd29b454c3c4633087e5793f6662.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/f8e2fd29b454c3c4633087e5793f6662.png)
If say you REALLY wanted to keep those back rooms secure for whatever reason, you need to have this:
![[Image: 985b6f06832285b0d3b97e866b9420f4.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/985b6f06832285b0d3b97e866b9420f4.png)
IE: You need to trust that people are not just gona bypass the lobby and walk right on into the areas that are supposed to be secure.
Overall the policy is out dated in multiple ways and just no longer needed and I feel its removal will be alot like other policies we've removed over time.
We removed the policies about IC racism being 100% disallowed, and some thought an explosion of excessively racist RPs would flood the server, beyond a few instances,the majority do not do this.
We removed the policies about climbing onto roofs with ladders, and being able to use cars to jump fences, and an explosion of mass climbing abuses we're expected to follow. Beyond a few instances, the majority do not do this.
With this no doubt people will be afraid of a mass wave of players cramming god knows how many doors into eachother and like with every policy we've ever been worried about the abuse to follow. I expect beyond a few instances, the majority of the playerbase will not do this.
Somthing my old boss used to say, and it really does apply to this:
"Fences are just there to keep the honest people honest and from getting funny ideas, if they really wanted to get in, that fence wouldn't stop them for long"
The same applies to custom doors, they are there just to keep honest people from getting to where they are not supposed to be, but if someone actually wants to get in, those doors are not going to stop them for long.
An example from a dupe ive made with its doors colored above:
![[Image: c6e5a0ad67abbd7ff4c86ff97c613f9e.jpg]](https://i.gyazo.com/c6e5a0ad67abbd7ff4c86ff97c613f9e.jpg)
If at anypoint one of those green doors lock, as they are toggled for potential security issues, say someone pulls a gun in the lobby, or an attack for whatever reason, the entire building becomes non rule compliant
The current policy in regards to having multiple doors is as follows:
Door rules
7.1 - You can have a maximum of 2 lockable custom doors leading to the same location in a base (i.e an attacker must be able to reach any accessible part of your base in 2 keypads or less) and there must be at least 2 metres (2PHX length) between two doors.
All custom doors must be openable by keypad or buttons from both sides, which should be clearly visible. When opened by keypad, custom doors must be held open for at least 5 seconds.
The person who owns the main (front) door of the building owns the entire building. Do not buy any other doors in that building or build there without the permission of the front door owner.
A member of staff can allow more than two custom doors to be built leading to the same location, and keypads/buttons to only be present on one side of a custom door in rare circumstances where the RP absolutely requires it – e.g custom prison building.
My suggestion is more or less to scrap this policy almost entirely and simply keep the 5 second requirement for doors to remain open.
"The person who owns the main (front) door of the building owns the entire building. Do not buy any other doors in that building or build there without the permission of the front door owner. "
This segment is also out of date and no longer required, as the door system now operates on a "Buy one, buy them all" system.
Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
The policy itself dates back around 5-7 years ago back on Fearless, in the times before molotovs and breaching charges could blow out entire walls, foundation, or doors themselves and people only had keypad crackers to bypass doors which take time, walls we're more or less impenetrable except via gunfire, but no real way existed to remove the wall itself during combat.
These days we have both molotovs and breaching charges, items that can bypass more or less any defense, are immediate in their usage and turn any "Doomfort" into a smoldering crater with enough of them.
No defensive zone can withstand well placed, and properly used and timed molotovs or breaches.
Thus it stands to reason: If we have the tools to bypass more or less any amount of doors, walls, defensive structures one could throw at you so long as you are prepared, why do we need policies stating you can only have 2?
MS Paint Time:
Now obviously the policy is designed to prevent somthing like this where every red line is a door, in complete succession, causing huge delays, and allowing defenders to just fire into the rooms they are entering.
![[Image: b8aacefc52115ea75aa76de4cf083d1b.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/b8aacefc52115ea75aa76de4cf083d1b.png)
Thankfully no building ive ever seen on an RP server is hard mapped into the map designed in such a way, thus only custom buildings made by players would be setup in such a way, or down thin hallways with just door after door.
![[Image: 41af92c7910d87e386cd493c4fea90d2.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/41af92c7910d87e386cd493c4fea90d2.png)
Though in both of these situations, the tools exist for people to simply bypass them: Molotov, or breach the doors, both criminals and police have access to at least 1 of these tools, so both sides can bypass these defenses with ease so long as they are prepared, or fall back and get what they need instead of charging into heavy machinegun fire like its WW1.
IE: If they we're custom builds designed to just funnel people down a hall of doors, breach at any number of the almost infinate number of places you could think to place a breach or molotov and presto, its no longer a problem and the defense falls apart:
![[Image: d3594bf29d7b64e5306115a6b6818410.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/d3594bf29d7b64e5306115a6b6818410.png)
![[Image: b37369de4ae54260540b03feb887bc98.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/b37369de4ae54260540b03feb887bc98.png)
If they have alot of doors, and its in a hard map building, then keep hammering the defenses until they crack. Unlike the Fortress World of Cadia, the planet wont break before they do, so keep the pressure on.
The current problem with the rule though beyond it not really being needed these days due to the tools we have at our disposal, is it actualy limits the RP potential of RP zones people build due to the nonsensical nature of the policy.
Example Custom build floorplan:
Red lines are locked doors
Green lines are unlocked
Blue line is a window
![[Image: ec1c4f6adf2f3220cddbe9f24adb2e41.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/ec1c4f6adf2f3220cddbe9f24adb2e41.png)
In this example, the only unsecure zone is the lobby at the entrance of the office complex, everywhere beyond is logicly locked and requires a password or employee pass.
Under this policy, this exact same layout starts looking like this:
![[Image: 984ab1fc71d0b3940eb24a80d93dd351.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/984ab1fc71d0b3940eb24a80d93dd351.png)
Logicly all zones beyond the lobby would be secured, but due to this policy once you hit 2 locked doors in, it must be unlocked, meaning if you want specific zones to be secure you need to start swapping locks.
![[Image: f8e2fd29b454c3c4633087e5793f6662.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/f8e2fd29b454c3c4633087e5793f6662.png)
If say you REALLY wanted to keep those back rooms secure for whatever reason, you need to have this:
![[Image: 985b6f06832285b0d3b97e866b9420f4.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/985b6f06832285b0d3b97e866b9420f4.png)
IE: You need to trust that people are not just gona bypass the lobby and walk right on into the areas that are supposed to be secure.
Overall the policy is out dated in multiple ways and just no longer needed and I feel its removal will be alot like other policies we've removed over time.
We removed the policies about IC racism being 100% disallowed, and some thought an explosion of excessively racist RPs would flood the server, beyond a few instances,the majority do not do this.
We removed the policies about climbing onto roofs with ladders, and being able to use cars to jump fences, and an explosion of mass climbing abuses we're expected to follow. Beyond a few instances, the majority do not do this.
With this no doubt people will be afraid of a mass wave of players cramming god knows how many doors into eachother and like with every policy we've ever been worried about the abuse to follow. I expect beyond a few instances, the majority of the playerbase will not do this.
Somthing my old boss used to say, and it really does apply to this:
"Fences are just there to keep the honest people honest and from getting funny ideas, if they really wanted to get in, that fence wouldn't stop them for long"
The same applies to custom doors, they are there just to keep honest people from getting to where they are not supposed to be, but if someone actually wants to get in, those doors are not going to stop them for long.
An example from a dupe ive made with its doors colored above:
![[Image: c6e5a0ad67abbd7ff4c86ff97c613f9e.jpg]](https://i.gyazo.com/c6e5a0ad67abbd7ff4c86ff97c613f9e.jpg)
If at anypoint one of those green doors lock, as they are toggled for potential security issues, say someone pulls a gun in the lobby, or an attack for whatever reason, the entire building becomes non rule compliant