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Forest Service Bulletin

Upcomming Developements and Generall Information

The Road so far
Since the last Bulletin a few things have changed, many have changed for the better. Whilst we were not able to complete all of the goals we have set out in the last bulletin we were able to implement some new unscheduled additions as well. First of all let me welcome Junior Ranger Dr. Richards as the lasted addition to our team. We wish you all the best.

Overall Activity
Generally speeking the overall activity is growing again. Since we were quire occupied with a few projects that were not directly related to ingame activitys some of that activity may not have been too obvious/visibe, so with those projects settled we aim to show more presence on the actuall field.

Finnished Projects:

The Boating System
I am very glad to announce that the recently announced boating project is a success. Whilst the boats are not 100% reliable yet (with a tendecy to engine failures) the first boats have been used rather sucesfully. Some technical issues (suddenly inverted steering, the tug getting stuck etc.) have slowed down the developement of the other boat types that were planned. However I am rather optimistic that this can be solved in the long run. Meanwhile you have you very first boat capable of holding 5 people (have i mentioned you can fish from it?). The recent release of stormforx has presented a slight issue though: during nighttime the "invisible" boating platform occasionaly becomes visible due to changed lighting patterns. This issue can and will be resolved rather quick.  A new Platform should be available soon.

Clan Thread Overhaul
Whilst this sounds like a minor change it may actually have important impact on our forum presence. I redid the originall clan thread to add further descriptive texts whilst also implementing a little more structure and oversight. This way I hope to give people a better and easier understanding about who we are and what we do.

Whilst not all of the planned Liverys are completed yet (you could argue that you could never have enough liverys) we finally added the first SAR (search and rescue) Livery. This will give our medical expert Senior Ranger Troye Sivan better acces to the rugged terrain of the True North Forest.

[Image: khLxpRh.jpg]

Delayed Projects:

New Hangliding Routes
With a slight shift in prioritys (due the preperations for the clan model etc.) the new hangliding routes have also been postponed a little. But there will be more.

The same goes for our presence in Florida. However I finally managed to find a suitable space to located a prefabricated station (allowing us to reduce the prop cost whilst maintaining a certain quality)

Upcomming Projects / Work in Progress:

Clan Models
I am trhilled to announce that after weeks and weeks of searching a gifted modeller we finally found one. After more then 12h hours of discussions, image hunting, and further preperations our clan models are finally beeing worked on. Whilst i can not give you the time or date when this uniforms will arrive ingame I can finally say that they are on their way. It will take a few weeks though for the models to be made, approved and implemented. Since they are beeing made from scratch its going to be a bit more time intensive but it is also allowing for much greated detail as they are tailored straight to our needs. To get a ruff idea on what we are planning on ill includeour planning chart.

[Image: z56DMJd.png]

This is just to give you a general idea of the small details we are working on. Some of them are not included in this chart (like the 2 differnt versions for the helmets we are planning etc.) It was a fun task to prepare the model. It is even more exciting to see it beeing made.

Medical Training
Whilst we havent gotten together for a propper training session yet we are all looking forward to the medical education S.Ranger Sivan has to offer. With the new equipment and the new weather scenarios it should be even more interesting.

Lakeside Ranger Station & Visitor Center
With the new updates I decided that it is going to be cruicial to have a proper service station up on the lake. The main difficutly is to find a proper sop and size for that station though as it needs to be both prop efficient and large enough to cater to all of our needs like parking, storage etc. Since the area around the lake is a little difficult to work with (uneven terrain, grass sticking through the floors etc.) it may take some time to finnish this project to a satisfactory level. Meanwhile a smaller pier is beeing worked on.

[Image: 2hEXm6X.jpg]

You can see the large paved area between the parking lot and the station. It is kept large to provide enough space for some picknick tables etc. A small fire pit can be seen to the left of the building whilst the right side shows the construction of the small storage shack. In the background you can catch a glimps of the small fishing dock that will be connected to the paved area.

Open Air Concerts

Unfortunatly as a few things came inbetween the construction of the open air concerts is not quite done yet. However due to Mavs and Bens creative initiative i have decided to prioritise this particular project. I hope i can get it dont till friday or sth like that. With VAC support we could play anthing we want. Stormfox is making the lighting effects even more intense and if it rains.. well we will start a freaking mosh pit !

[Image: IYSL7RC.jpg]
A sneak peak on some of the preperations...

Unscheduled & New Additions:

The Church:
This is nothing to special but upon request i refurbished a little church we had in rockford. Its scenic and rather central location at connectivity road allows for easy acces. With a small graveyard next to it it will give our citizens comfort and peace processing the loss of recent community members. To ensure that everyone has acces to it I put this 120 prop dupe in the "US Forest Service Public Folder" so everyone can use it for their own interesting rps. Here is a glimpse:

[Image: wH2CjhY.jpg]

Clan Discord

We are very please to announce that we finally have a proper clan discord. This came in really handy with the developement of the clan model as well as the preperation for other projects. Its generally a really usefull tool to coordinate our activitys.

In other news:

[Image: 1UWPzu3.jpg]

Winter is comming...
... and we absolutely love it. The amzing work of the Limelight Dev Team has brought us some truely amazing and really immersive updates. With Stormfox and the Meska-Fishing update we have a lot of new very interesting opportunitys for in depth roleplays and events. Wether we clear the roads, prepare for storms or just ride through the night, there is a lot to come so stay tuned ;)
[Image: VyJ6EKh.png]

Fernando Llorente de la Vega
Director of Communications and Press
Weyland-Yutani Corporation
Regional Headquarters, Truenorth, Idaho

Martin Murdock
District Ranger
US Forest Service
District Office, Truenorth, Idaho

Dear Mr Murdock (),

Weyland-Yutani is cordially extending an invitation for you to attend a meeting with myself and Regional Executive Manager Alexander Heafy (). This is with regards to confirming details for a security contract previously discussed between the US Forest Service and Weyland-Yutani. If you would kindly accept, this arrangement will take place at our newly built regional headquarters behind Mountainside. 

Thank you for your time, and we appreciate you and your team's service to Truenorth.

Kind regards,

[Image: GvDeHsD.png]

Fernando Llorente de la Vega
Director of Communications and Press
Forest Service Bulletin

Upcomming Developements and Generall Information
No. 3

Brief Notice:
We aim to keep you updated with a monthly issue. In fact most of this issue has been written about 2 weeks ago. Though due to the slight chaos of the last 2 weeks there have been some changes... and some of the news intendet for No. 3 became somewhat redundant. To give you a good impression on all the latest activitys i choose to leave some of the now redundant news (Like the opening of our latest Ranger Station up on the lake)in.

Overall Activity & New Recuits
We are lucky to see a rising overall activity. With a new batch of Junior Rangers the Forest Service is able to expand its range of services and provide increased availability. I am also very happy to notice that our recent recuitment spike has brought us some really talented recuits (Not that we would be lacking any, but its rare to see this many in such succession). So I would like to take this Moment to welcome all new Junior Rangers !
Though the past days brought some inactivity we are once again able to provide a pretty sustainable presence on the main server.

The Map Change
Ive got a few questions regarding the Map change. Sure most people have noticed that the Forest Service kinda needs a Forest. And even more people realised that the change from the very rural True North to the more suburban Evo city broguth a slight lack of nature in general. So how does that impact the Clan?
It is true that certain things like mountain climbing, cave exploration, hang gliding and likewise events are a lot harder to do and I really moan the loss off both our promising skiing track and our latest lakeside station. Though I want to point out that Evo has some nice spots too. While the map itself and therefore its forested area is of course a little smaller we still have a large lake, the hidden village and some nice stretches of landscape. So to those that questioned wether the map change would shut down the clan or limit our operations: No we are still running and we will be as long as people are around to join us.

New Map – New Buildings
The second issue with the Map Change is perhaps a more important one: Rebuilding.
Like anyone else we lost a great deal of dupes and rp-setups that were somewhat important. Though none of that is gone forever. Whilst it takes some time to rebuild all of the dupes [the last large ranger staiton on TN took about 30h] we have already begun rebuilding cruicial parts of our infrastructure. So I am happy to announce that as off today we have our first Ranger Station running again (there will be much more to come  )

[Image: qhCTh5v.jpg]

Clan Models:
Whilst real life occupations and a technical difficulties have somewhat restricted the developement of our clan models they are starting to take shape. I am still unable to give a „release date“. But we are hoping to get the modells somewhat soon

Fleet Expansion
This months we are happy to introduce a new service car to our fleet. Perfectly tailored to the more urban and smooth terrain of Evo City we added the Toyota Prius (and its security version) to the mix. Whilst the car is rather slow this compact 4 seater comes with a complete Amber-ELS package and offers a conveniant and enviromental friendly way to get around town.

[Image: RBcXOTI.jpg]

To provide a better and more specialised service to the citizens and visitors of True North we have decided to offer three distinct specialisations within the Forest Service:
    • Forestry and Maintenance
    • Recreation and Education
    • Search and Resuce
Each Ranger has the option to specialise in two of those three units to allow for a better and more in-depth service. We are still working on providing specific training courses though the specialisation of our first batch of employees has already prooven itself.

The following 2 chapters are regarding dupes that were specificly designed for True North. Whilst the Open Air Concert will be rebuild with high priority the Lakeside Ranger Station will have to be replaced by a different dupe (after just about a month of service :/) I decided to leave the 2 pieces in regardless so you get an idea of what we have been working on. Of course the boating system will also make a return

The Open Air Concert
It is finally here ! After almost a month of construction the Festival Grounds are finally all set and done. Though the attendance has been moderate those who came certainly enjoyed the music of some of True Norths finest musicians like Ben Richards. Thanks for all the support. We are looking forward to more frequent concert organised as a sort of mini-event.

[Image: VEGCcjt.jpg]
[Image: AbMGZL9.jpg]

Oh... one more thing: All the components of the Concert Grounds are available FOR FREE in the public folder (public folder → us forest service). You are more then welcome to start your own Rps with this kit. To reduce lag it has been split up in several smaller modules, this will also allow you to share the dupe with friends if you should be lacking the prop limit.

Lakeside Ranger Station
We are happy to announce the opening of our new Public Service Station at Beach Road. Located directly at the lake this new facility is fit to cater to a great variety of needs: A fishing dock and a wide patio offer a scenic view as well as plenty of space for any visitors whilst the large parking space and a nearby bus stop make the commute really conveniant. With plenty of seating arrangements, a wide backyrd with its own fire pit and a large lobby we are prepared for pretty much everything.

[Image: bAiZgRb.jpg][Image: PoIr2CG.jpg]

Improved Boating System
Whilst the release of new boats like the airboat and a canoe is still facing technical problems I have been able to update the boating system, allowing for a significant improvement in its reliability whilst also removing visual issues (the platform becomming visible at night). Unfortunatly due to the nature of stormfox and due to the need to have this platform sittign above the lake it will still look a bit odd when its raining – yet that issue is fairly minor. With a updated version of the tug mechanism (essentially the wheels are much havier now) the boat is less prone to getting stuck or inverted. The new boating platform and the latest version of the RHIB can be found in the lower end of the Forest Service Public Folder.
[Image: iYzlIjN.jpg]
Name: Martin Riggs
Steam Name: [L2:RP] Riggs
Ingame time: 2332 
Number of Penalties: 50
Your Motivation: Keeping our county's even the world safe from forest fires, helping to get the world to become more eco-friendly, helping as best I can to do everything the department does, also having fun
cOmIc SaNs!!!

Also good RPs
[Image: l38lU6Y.jpg]

After a tedious construction effort the Public Beach is Finally Open ! Located right next to Waterfront road this beach is a piece of heaven! A large and modern showerhouse with wide changing rooms offer great comfort, a small ice cream both is selling delicious ice and cool refreshmens and then there are our lifeguards...

Entry Free!
Beach = ***** (5 stars)
Thank you for your time, i will not be joining the clan at this time, i have a chance in another one, i may reapply some time

[Image: k4slCNW.jpg]Since it has been a while since the last bulletin ill give you a small peak onto the current renovation/update projects. Displaying redone and new liverys as well as one of the 2 updated bases. More to come Smile
Name: Daniel ' Hondo ' Harrelson
Steam Name: [L²:RP] Riggs
Ingame time: 2652
Number of Penaltys (Bans&Blacklists): do i have to? (51)
Your Motivation: Todays Saftey class RP, also like the clan / group in general. need a breake from Full on LEO RP some times so i think here is the place to be

The US Forest Service invites you
[font=Verdana]to our 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ![/font]

Yes it has already been a year since we formaly made ourselves known. And its been a wild year, full of interesting changes (for better and worse) awsome people, curious occasions and great events. All in all we are very happy to look back at this first milestone and thus we invite you to celebrate with us !

The event will be hosted on saturday February 1st. The exact time is not yet decided (evening).

The event will start at the Downtownroad Ranger Station.

Expect a various festivities, a variety of mini games (with neat rewards), free snack and more...

We will keep you updated throughout the week Smile
Name: John Anderson
Steam Name: MrMaaze
Ingame time: 914 hours
Number of Penaltys (Bans&Blacklists): Bans 13 Blacklists 31
Your Motivation: Keeping the Forrest Clean, Helping the Wildlife and Making sure Visitors won't get attacked or else.
I am please to announce that we managed to restore/update all of our facilities located in EvoCity and construction on a new Community-/Vistorcenter has begun. Whilst it may be a little early to put out event schedules or predict a clear trajectory just yet, it is safe to say that the US Forest Service is back in action and will stick around Smile
Would the US Forest Service still be looking for new members? If so, please take a look my application:

Name: Hugo von Dooble
Steam Name: vd236
Ingame time: 1088h
Number of Penaltys (Bans&Blacklists): Ban: 1 (removed in the wipe) Blacklists: around 5-7 (Rough estimate from my memory. I tried looking around but it's possible they got wiped along with the bans.)
Your Motivation: Camaraderie with people of similar interests and my love for lakes, forests and bears.
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