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The Law Enforcement division is just one of plenty different branches of the Forest Service. And yes they are armed, like all Law Enforcment units of the National Park Service are since sth like the 1960s. I spend a long time choosing between the National Park Service and the National Forest Service and ended up choosing the former one as they essentially provide the same services but are the larger of the two organisations with even more different divisions. I baiscly figured that it would make more sense for Rockford, True North or 5vp to be covered by the usfs as the agency is larger and also serves more remote/less popular areas in greater numbers.
Besides the many different proffessions in the USFS offer a amazing range of possible passive rps that include all the professions and possible rps done by the Park Service but also exceed them a little.
One example could be fire prevention. The USFS is even hosting a program for prisoners to be trained and deployed as Forest Fire Specialists. This (while it would complicated to setup) could make for a interesting mini event, that can not be offered by sth like the USNPS.
The Same goes for (advanced) scientific reasearch etc.

As for the Ranger Divison. No there is not a particular "ranger division" or likewise branches of the forest service. However several of the services employer hold ranks like "district ranger" "ranger" etc. The terminology herby seems to depend on not only their occupation but also regional offices etc.

This clan is intendent almost soly for passive rp (with a little fire prevention, first aid etc. and probably occasionaly LEO activites like yesterday when someone stole a fishermens boat and threatend him with an axe so we had to hand him over to the police)
Most of our patrols are unarmed or equiped with handcuffs and a baton.
The most popular "weapon" we so far equipped were binoculars and shovels and asps. But i completely understand the concern about us becomming a agressive speudo police force. Which is something i am concerned about as well. So i considering advancing our current rule set by certain ammendments (like ristricting the use of firearms to "rangers" "senior rangers")
But yeah our main focus is on passive rp. Yesterday for example we set up a bird watching station and offered professeional mountainclimbing, the day before that we organised fishing trips.

It goes without saying that there will be things to be ironed out, and that in some cases we may differ from our real world aspiration. In the end the Forest Service seemed the most suitable model for us to go for, not only considering its services but although things like the map change etc (otherwise i may have even gone for a private service)
Looks very cool!

But why comic sans
(Feb 2, 2019, 04:53 PM)Noble Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 2, 2019, 03:11 PM)Judge Rage Wrote: [ -> ]That’s US Forest Service Law Enforcement division not rangers division - found this out out of curiousity a while ago but they're different thing

They don't have a Ranger division but I see what you guys are saying. Wasn't sure if he was doing the entire irl organization or a specific division within it.

Same difference you get what I mean Smile

(Also I'm not part of this just passing through)
Great News - We got Liverys (Sorta)
I spent a litte time copying signs into and fiddled with the layers a little. I ended up with livery stickers for the so far most popular cars we have in use the f150 and the jeep wrangler. Those new stickers have the great advantage that in order to get that neat green stripe and "Park Ranger" Decal you no longer will have to bother setting up the correct rectangles, finding the proper colour for the font etc. All you do is just to apply the livery-sticker, size it up to maximum size, find the proper place to put the sign - and you are done !

Here is an example for the f150 (the signs is still visible to point out the spot for the sign to be attached)
[Image: edCas8r.jpg]
[Image: 33b5DLY.jpg]

There are more to come Smile
If only there were clan liveries 🤔
(Feb 6, 2019, 07:55 AM)Noble Wrote: [ -> ]If only there were clan liveries 🤔

I was discussing with Marsh last night how it could be done without half the server abusing it and impersonating a clan
I like the liveries you've come up with for your vehicles. Very neat.
They do look good knowing that they're just signs. Just so you know they should read Forest Ranger instead of Park Ranger

Forest rangers are under the USFS while Park Rangers work under the National Park Service
Clayton Smith
503 hrs
2 warnings
I had fun working with Ace and Marsh and would love to be a part of it, especially with the new true north map with plenty of room for great rp situations.
Yeah it should read forest ranger. So far its been a little of an odd mix, since most people been calling us park rangers and some clan members designs their cars with "park ranger" signs. Im actually still considering a rebrand, probably going to a county/communal Park Service that would allow us to be completly free in our design. The problem is that the park rangers got the better structure, the better name and the better unfiroms wherelse the usfs has the wider field of work, the better badges (its way easy to turn them into simplified, proper signs [without having the glow etc.]etc. Also the USFS seems more fitting for TN.
Technicly a USFS car with the iconic greens tripes would have to be labeled with either "fire" or "law enforcement" The weird thing is that most of the marked cars both in the Park and the Forest Service tend to serve one of those 2 branches. However i dont really want to put an emphasis on the law enforcement part as i want this clan to be primarly passive, and helpfull rather then an agressive LEO clan.
So yeah probably a rebranding to either the NSPS or a local service could be an idea since it would smothen out some inconsistencys.

To be honest though im fine with smaller inconsistencys (like "forest ranger" instead of leo etc.) But yeah we will see.
ive send you an invite
It was fun but people didnt want me I left limelight for good bye
(Feb 9, 2019, 03:03 PM)AloneAceMan Wrote: [ -> ]It was fun but people didnt want me I left limelight for good bye

Well, We hope to see you again so time soon.
im not really interested in joining a clan atm as i enjoy being a temuto, but still, great job! 
Nice looking liveries there Marsh.
Fleet Expansion !

[Image: enJxWlN.jpg]

With the GMC Savana beeing the most recent addition we know got 5 easy to applly-liverys for our fleet. Along the usefull and beloved pikcups like the F150 and the outdoorsman the 2 vans fill in important roles such as maintance and transportation. And of course the Jeep Wrangler remains the favourite allrounder. Although the Savans poor offroad performance this vehicle may be of particular interest for upcomming rps (such as camping trips, hikes, sightseeing and similar recreational rps).
There may be more cars to come. Im currently trying to find a suitable livery for the tahoe (which turns out to be quite hard tue to its curvy/bumpy desgin) and probably a dedicated SAR/Mountain rescue livery for the Mercedes G Wagon.
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