So recently, some Admins decided to put lamps and lightbars aswell as signs on vehicles.
Making the Windows black and giving it a grey paintjob.
Stop it. There is no point in that other than making the Server even more DarkRP ish.
If you wanna show that there is an Admin just fly? It has the same RP breaking effect.
![[Image: Cvyw5.jpg]](
Get roasted 26
Anyways. Who cares? Let the poor bastard have some fun

flyin around is boring as fuck.
let 26 do what he wants, the shit he comes up with is amazing and when i was on the server late at night it was always a surprise on what i found him create.
are you butt-hurt or something?
(Jan 14, 2019, 05:03 PM)StephanGH Wrote: [ -> ]Get roasted 26
Anyways. Who cares? Let the poor bastard have some fun
flyin around is boring as fuck.
Quote:The following points are abuse:
Breaking rules himself solely because he is an admin
Messing around, for example killing other admins or using punishment commands for the fun of it, etc.
Remember, use common sense, there should be less random unnecessary admin abuse threads, but we are still interested in hearing about any possible admin abuse, as we take these matters very seriously. If you have concerns about an admins performance but it is not strictly abuse, please send a private message to either one of the Super Admins or the owner.
This kills immersion, and if this isn’t messing around, god knows what is
You have to remember that the job they do, they've been doing for a long time and it probably gets very boring. I would imagine "messing around" is a phrase that could be applied to randomly RPGing spawned zombies and lagging out the server, but driving a car? Get over it. He's having fun, he's spicing up his sessions, all so that you can have a safe server to play on. Be grateful. The staff do this for free, and spend a lot of time administrating/moderating the server so that we can have fun. Something we can easily take for granted.
Oh yeah. And Night flying around with PilotC rping Reaper and some other character killing people while being unkillable amd giving u riddles or u die is fucking realistic as hell and really bring immersion to the gamemode
Yah... Yah...
Stop crying over minor things. Being an admin is a constant job of helping. This is a way of proactively stopping rulebreaks while having a bit more fun doing your job. Please.
They do this for free. To make sure we enjoy our RP. Do we really have to be this petty whenever admins do something to slightly make that more enjoyable for themselves? They are on the server to enjoy themselves aswell.
I also see this as messing around, but for real guys? This does not break immersion if you don't let it. That is one thing I hate about playing on Limelight, everyone tries to find ways to break immersion just to complain about something. For example, a very nice RP is going on and someone breaks a tiny rule, that doesn't even affect the actuality of the RP and someone, out of no where, just starts screaming "EVERYONE STOP, HE BROKE A RULE. CALL AN ADMIN!" or "HEY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT. IT'S AGAINST THE RULES. I AM GOING TO CALL AN ADMIN." Like really?! Totally ruins all of what was happening because someone is trying to be "perfect". That is a main problem with the toxicity of the community.
As far as the admin cars, I think it is good for the community. It shows that the admins actually give two shits about administrating and can have some fun while doing it. It is actually very common for RP servers on other games to have "administration" vehicles, especially FiveM. And give me at least ten examples with any sort of evidence of DarkRP servers doing this, and then you can say it is DarkRPish.
They’re forced to deal with our problems and follow the highest standard at all times (arguably not all of them do this). If they want to make a car like this I don’t mind, because being in that position and actually doing the same concept, it’s a fun way to administrate, raises their morale, and makes them more approachable.
*takes the salt shaker away from *
But stop with the mini cars. That shit is annoying
(Jan 14, 2019, 06:30 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]They’re forced to deal with our problems and follow the highest standard at all times (arguably not all of them do this). If they want to make a car like this I don’t mind.
But fucking stop with the mini cars. That shit is annoying
I don’t necessarily have a problem with them having cars, I can just imagine it be very annoying trying to be a cop and seeing one of these fly by
There's a special place in hell for people who use green emergency lights.
I am in not
- butt-hurt
- crying over minor things
- trying to find ways to break immersion just to complain about something
This didn't even properly started as a proper discussion and people are already mad asf.
Anyway, I was writing my thoughts of this and I find this to be very unfitting for LimeLight.
In my eyes it just brings LimeLight one more step towards DarkRP.
People (1 or 2 that also commented here) scream for realism and are against many things that would improve the server, but are like "Heck yeah m8, let's tolerate this".
As for the GTA RP part, yes I am aware of that and I find it very confusing. One time there was an Admin behind me and he followed me with Sirens on until I stopped (as I was confused and thought he was a normal cop (I was driving with Sirens as FD aswell so I thought he would drive to the same call)).
Please keep it civil.
I know that I am not known for being well, dont know how to say that but you know what I mean.
“Exempt from RP” lmao fuck off with that shit
If you break a traffic law and get pulled over and use the “I’m an admin and I get what I want” rule to get out of it you’re getting an abuse case
(Jan 14, 2019, 06:56 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]“Exempt from RP” lmao fuck off with that shit
If you break a traffic law and get pulled over and use the “I’m an admin and I get what I want” rule to get out of it you’re getting an abuse case
That was the major thing I pulled off that, like the car is illegally parked but what if someone towed it and how would that situation be handled/resolved? The exempt part was more concerning than it being an admin vehicle.
I do get how some of 26's cars are unrealistic for a cityRP server but you have to give it to 26, He puts togheter some dope ass cars that are just eye candy. Every admin has modified their cars at some point. It's a perk of being admin simple as that. 26 dosent failRP with his vehicles (not as ive seen)
Making "admin cars" is fun, its lets you be a bit creative instead of just flying around phased.
Other people see the admin car driving around and people do actually behave becasue they know there is an admin cruisin around.