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Full Version: Stop it with the Admin Cars
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(Jan 14, 2019, 07:01 PM)Noble Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 14, 2019, 06:56 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]“Exempt from RP” lmao fuck off with that shit
If you break a traffic law and get pulled over and use the “I’m an admin and I get what I want” rule to get out of it you’re getting an abuse case

That was the major thing I pulled off that, like the car is illegally parked but what if someone towed it and how would that situation be handled/resolved? The exempt part was more concerning than it being an admin vehicle.

It would probably be handeld like any other situation. I cant imagine an admin going like " hey im admin you cant tow my car" thats straight up abuse. 

I think Nebula is a bit jelly tbh

Just grind your reps and you can do the same.
I see no issue with it tbh, it makes me chuckle and I think it's a morale booster to both them AND the long-term players. When I staffed a DarkRP server (considering you bring that mode up) we got up to much stupider shit than this. We started battle royales, deleted a base's door to see how long they went without noticing, made giant roulette tables using people as chips etc etc. This is fine by those standards.
What's up with you nowadays Neb?
I don't really mind these admin cars, but I can see where is coming from, even if it seems from this thread that people think they have to be either strongly for them, or strongly against them, twisting the original post into a personal attack, which it really isn't.

The point about administrators doing their job for free and spending a lot of time on the server isn't really a valid point; they do their job for free, but they are also there by choice. If they're bored playing GMod, they can easily play another game.

As aforementioned though, it doesn't really bother me, but it should be something which should be clarified in rules, with an official statement from a higher power.
(Jan 14, 2019, 04:51 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]So recently, some Admins decided to put lamps and lightbars aswell as signs on vehicles.
Making the Windows black and giving it a grey paintjob.

Stop it. There is no point in that other than making the Server even more DarkRP ish.

If you wanna show that there is an Admin just fly? It has the same RP breaking effect.

[Image: Cvyw5.jpg]

You seem to really enjoy moaning over things because it's not what YOU want.
I'll bring this up internally.

All staff will be informed that this is not okay, and this is not what the tools and powers are meant to be used for.
I actually like the admin car its quite Funny to see what 26 can create with a car, And he has actually caught a couple people breaking Rules and Dealt with them there and then, all in all Im fine with him doing that It might get Boring in the air so he just wants to Drive around and see whats going on. I don't see the Problem really. Sometimes i get bored and drive past him and would shout something and he would Pull me out for it (In a banterish way) it's Funny af.
smh, rp wise I just assume they are crazy, otherwise 99% of the people just laugh it off. gee its a game server, have some fun.
(Jan 15, 2019, 12:03 AM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]smh, rp wise I just assume they are crazy, otherwise 99% of the people just laugh it off. gee its a game server, have some fun.

(Jan 14, 2019, 11:44 PM)Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]I'll bring this up internally.

All staff will be informed that this is not okay, and this is not what the tools and powers are meant to be used for.

Seriously? Actually taking this serious?

How is this admins doing anything wrong. They are making themselves seen on the map ensuring people don't fuck about. The exempt from RP is a bit much but 26 never really just rips it up and he goes along with RP when he does.

I don't see why HR is making this an issue lmao
(Jan 14, 2019, 08:24 PM)Blazing Wrote: [ -> ]The point about administrators doing their job for free and spending a lot of time on the server isn't really a valid point; they do their job for free, but they are also there by choice. If they're bored playing GMod, they can easily play another game.

If they go play another game people will bitch about them being inactive. Id rather have some eye candy and an admin online than have the server in dissaray.
Alright well, theres goes that fun. It's main purpose is for community relations and to show an actual presence on the server. I want to make it clear that the reason for Exempt of RP is not for the sole reason to break traffic laws or ram anyone, its for people to ignore it and not bring it into RP's. If there is a traffic law broken or IC reason for tow then sure, it'll be handled IC. 

I don't understand how 3 people complain and 6 enjoy it but no, let's listen to the ones with concern for the realism! Silly.
Honestly it's incredible how 3 people can ruin it for an admin enjoying himself.

I knew HR was out of touch but this is just a new bloody record isn't it. Plenty of admins have done this and response in game towards it had been great. There was talks about possibly implementing it even.

A proactive way of stopping rulebreaks... Wow sounds like a really good idea. But no that's way too effective and this makes staff too active... Can't have that. HR it's incredible how quickly you bend over for 3 people and rant on an admin over improving the server. It's also incredible IT TOOK A THREAD LIKE THIS FOR YOU TO KNOW IT WAS HAPPENING

Do you people even know what the response is on the server? Are you ever on there? Hell do you even know what staff do half of the time cause clearly not heh? This has been going for such a while and cause 3 people bitched it became a problem? Hell I am pretty sure Temar has been online while 26 has done this before. He didn't seem to have a problem with it.

Keep bending. Pathetic

If there is so many complaints make it a community suggestion or vote. See what we actualky think of it before you start ruining the fun of those who are out there doing what you are to lazy to do.

But oh no you wont. Because we can't risk having our egos crushed. Votes are just used to strengthen your opinion not weaken it right?

Took a month for a complaint. 3 people complain and u bend over and take it. Why? I know we live in a society where the 5% takes majority these days but damn. This is actually pathetic.

I know you think of your staff as pions that do your bidding while attached to strings to do exactly as you say and please. Cause why the fuck should staff be allowed to have fun, right?

Who cares if staff starts resigning. Resulting in less staff on the server. Resulting in more rulebreaks that don't get dealt with. Resulting in complaints. That 80% complaining is better than the 5-10% about a car right?

Honestly. I thought we split from Fearless because we didn't wanna be like them. But I think we'll go there with this HR sooner or later.

Hope you don't resign
You're a good admin. Don't let some benders tell ya otherwise. And don't let em ruin ya fun. Try and find something else so they can try and shut it down again untill you submissively crawl back in your cage and do your work or resign.

Time to add exempt from RP to my character description
lol w.e. Have fun LL.
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