(Jan 2, 2019, 04:34 AM)PilotC Wrote: [ -> ]...YMFOS (You're welcome for our service.)
That don't mf match.
Will there be a vote about the maps after the testing phase is done? I believe that the posts in the feedback threads mostly will be negative due to those who don't like the map being more anxious to get a map they like.
I Honestly cant wait for V5 i love that map! i love Evocity in general v17 looks great as well bring on the next few weeks
Evocity V5P trial starts tomorrow.
We've already changed build so you can start building for your roleplays there.
Feedback thread for v5p will be made with the launch of the trial tomorrow.
Have fun!
(Jan 7, 2019, 02:43 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]Evocity V5P trial starts tomorrow.
We've already changed build so you can start building for your roleplays there.
Feedback thread for v5p will be made with the launch of the trial tomorrow.
Have fun!
Making dupes to use for possibly only a week? uh
Look forward to doing some interesting RP on v5p and making some beautiful dupes
(Jan 8, 2019, 12:43 AM)Welker Wrote: [ -> ]Look forward to doing some interesting RP on v5p and making some beautiful dupes
I'm looking forward to joining you, Mr. Hightower.

I can already imagine the number of complaints about Cliffside Road in the feedback thread for v5p.
(Jan 8, 2019, 08:54 AM)Blazing Wrote: [ -> ]I can already imagine the number of complaints about Cliffside Road in the feedback thread for v5p.
I don't think it's an issue with modern car suspensions.
Modern as in better implementation in-game.
SO LIKE I have a lot of texture errors for this map lmao but oh well
(Jan 8, 2019, 12:25 PM)miss joley Wrote: [ -> ]SO LIKE I have a lot of texture errors for this map lmao but oh well
Did you try downloading the content packs?

Got the map textures, worked on another server i played a while back but im guessing limelight wants to be that ONE server ¬_¬
not too much of an issue so i'll live
(Jan 8, 2019, 08:54 AM)Blazing Wrote: [ -> ]I can already imagine the number of complaints about Cliffside Road in the feedback thread for v5p.
If it's bad, why shouldn't people complain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯