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Full Version: Player Colors IG
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Whatchu Want: Get rid of Steam ID colors for players and make based on either rank server-wise or one color that matches the theme (like a dark blue)

Why Tho: Gets rid of the rainbow colors. If based on rank it makes it better to ID who can help you in situations.
Either of them are better than the current system +support
-support no ta
So like

Have their colors based on what rank they are?
(Dec 2, 2018, 09:09 PM)miss joley Wrote: [ -> ]So like

Have their colors based on what rank they are?

Yee that is an option
+Support for just straight green like the old citizen color.

Its easy to spot, it doesnt blend well with most areas so it pops out and is noticable.

+Support for colors based on moderation/administrative rank, as this would allow people to spot those they may need to contact.
(Dec 3, 2018, 03:32 AM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]+Support for just straight green like the old citizen color.

Its easy to spot, it doesnt blend well with most areas so it pops out and is noticable.

+Support for colors based on moderation/administrative rank, as this would allow people to spot those they may need to contact.
Pushing for Staff Review.
