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Full Version: Unique license plates
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Explain your suggestion, in detail:
Make license plates unique to each different vehicle owned.

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
More ways to uniquely ID each vehicle you own, more interesting diversity for creative plates. No two license plate ID's are the same in real life, it's something small but also pretty annoying to me. Would be nice to be able to differentiate clan vehicles, personal vehicles, government vehicles and characters for instance.
Not 100% what you mean by the suggestion, do you mean the appearance of the plate itself?

Like say a Cali plate looks like this: [Image: California_license_plate%2C_August_2012.png]

But a B.C plate looks like this: [Image: 59058e7e098edce1ce27090c3d8dd6ea.jpg]

and allow players to pick the literal look of the plate itself, not just the numbering?
(Oct 15, 2018, 05:49 AM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]Not 100% what you mean by the suggestion, do you mean the appearance of the plate itself?

Like say a Cali plate looks like this: [Image: California_license_plate%2C_August_2012.png]

But a B.C plate looks like this: [Image: 59058e7e098edce1ce27090c3d8dd6ea.jpg]

and allow players to pick the literal look of the plate itself, not just the numbering?
Yeah I wasn't very clear I guess. I mean each vehicle should have different license plate ID's. I'll update it to be a bit more clear.

Cant really exchange plates on vehicles, at least not in here

But i think a whole new system will need to be added for registering a vehicle. This would also need more storage. So right now the plate is stored within the player, and the plate number is applied when you take out a vehicle. For this the plate would have to be stored within your inventory. Possibly a menu pops up when you first use the vehicle from your inventory asking you to assign a plate ID. It should cost money just as it does to change it.

It makes no sense for 10+ difference vehicles to have the same plate

Cool suggestion
A bit like in ?
(Oct 18, 2018, 05:10 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]A bit like in ?

Definitely. What I was trying to explain to a T.
Pushing for Staff Review.
