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Full Version: Save money and close the teamspeak server
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Not entirely why this suggestion for shutting down a Teamspeak Server is in the area for Gamemode Suggestions?




If you worried about money we can just downgrade to 32 player places and self host. Ts3 offers better administration services.
Yes TS offers better administation services and is much better administration wise but it could sometimes be a pain in the arse. Discord is much more simple, Easier to use and more people just tend to use it. Im only giving +Support cause not much people even use TS but I would be happy to use it if it gets more active players on.
(Aug 23, 2018, 10:00 PM)Somali Drug Lord Wrote: [ -> ]Massive +Support
Pushing for Staff Review.

I believe the course of action is to allow the license to expire, reverting to a free 32 slot server. Marking as finished.
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