Reported Players: [L²:RP] john jong (STEAM_0:1:14212289) (
) , Not Enzyme (STEAM_0:1:156081641) , Tom (STEAM_0:0:142829505) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-31 22:03
Summary: These three where running one of the mingiest """""RPs""""" and I say it with that many quotations marks. Basically all they where doing was stealing any car they could find, and then putting it in random buildings around the city and then blocking the doors with props so people couldnt get their cars out.
There are 3 main situations I want to talk about.
1: Earlier before the video I walked in to a random warehouse to find John Long standing there next to a tow truck, when I walked in he pulled a shotgun out and told me to leave, so I did and started walking toward the door, he then proceeds to shoot me in the back with a shotgun and try to kill me (and fails), keep in mind I fully followed orders and had no weapon or anything, which I think is a clear violation of rule 3.1.
2: John, Tom, and Not Enzyme where all stealing vehicles for absolutely no roleplay purpose but to annoy people, they would steal cars and hide them in various warehouses, and when an owner would find their car, they would kill them. This is a clear violation of 13.2 Which states
"13.2 - You may steal vehicles to sell them back to the owners or other parties, but only with valid roleplay reasons."
They made no attempt to contact any owner at any point, and probably had at that point of stolen and hid 10+ cars for no reason at all from the owners.
My vehicle was also stolen and was never contacted to have it sold back.
They where clearly stretching the rules to quench their agressiveRP needs and its stuff like this that shouldnt go unpunished.
Attached is a picture of one warehouse, and the video is another, Im sure they had more warehouses I didnt find.
Pay attention to the door, a blank prop with no texture or attempt at any design = they dont care about any RP and just wanted to block peoples cars in.
3. Third point was when we found our vehicles in an exterior warehouse, John was inside and was put under gunpoint immediately , and somehow magically his friends show up ready to fight even though he had been under gunpoint the entire time. (I believe to be a clear sign of outside communication)
on top of that when under gunpoint and tied up, it was clearly obvious John was breaking fearRP by moving out of the way so his buddy could shoot me. And it seems Tom is clearly hesitant to shoot me because he knows hes breaking fearRP.
Clearly the actions of someone who understands the rules and clearly wants to break them.
Video is here:
These three have been extensively known for horrible RPing and overly aggressive roleplay, This type of behavior is stupid and is happening more and more on the server, and if the admin team doesn't step up and stop these people clearly just here to shoot people its going to ruin it for everyone else as it already is.
hello you came at us with guns making no communication, we also made various adverts about how to get ur car back
We was running a chop shop, we also made attempted to sell the cars through adverts.
Watching the vid as of now, didnt hear you say stay back or ill kill him
We came back since Jong wasnt responding in discord, you was following us in ur taxi, you had previously walked up to our warehouse with a gun lockpick and keypad cracker and was tailing us in the pursuit we thought that we should be safe to come back, plus we had to strip down the cars
Quote:3. Third point was when we found our vehicles in an exterior warehouse, John was inside and was put under gunpoint immediately , and somehow magically his friends show up ready to fight even though he had been under gunpoint the entire time. (I believe to be a clear sign of outside communication)
I didn't want to shoot since i was trying to say, you can walk away and forget about it, but you just wanted to shoot so it resulted in a gunfight
Quote:These three have been extensively known for horrible RPing and overly aggressive roleplay, This type of behavior is stupid and is happening more and more on the server, and if the admin team doesn't step up and stop these people clearly just here to shoot people its going to ruin it for everyone else as it already is.
If you think our rp is horrible Cheers i appreciate it, however we have been in sits we have been reported and the others more than me have had PRs against them, the admin team are not a team of DarkRP but a decent team if we was doing something that bad or breaking rules left right and center they would catch on, i have been on LL when i was bad at RP back in like 2016-2017 i took a break learnt how to rp ( well not very well according to you ) and came back if you check my previous bans etc you will see i have been sanctioned alot i can say that these guys dont let alot slide
Admin team are pretty good, the amount of times i have tried to bend the rules in the past (2016-17) it hasnt worked out for me and the staff have caught on, if you feel like we didnt have a valid reason ask us, i like to talk to ppl and i wouldn't mind talking to you and giving our reason like we did with
Quote:I do think your RP is horrible, and your ban record commends that. I think you're one of the handful of people on this server that mainly come on to find excuses to shoot people and its sad. But this post isn't about opinions its about the fearRP by john, overly agressiveRP, and metagaming.
Meta gaming already adressed, i looked through the recording its all black
^^ Doesn't prove anything just saying
FearRP: Not my place to comment
Overly Aggressive: Ofc we are gonna be aggressive we are car thieves, who barely get by and who are running with adrenaline since we have a time limit since eventually we are gonna get caught, i don't think it was that aggressive as at 1:11 - 1:42 i didn't shoot you, i had some patience i only shot when you shot me, if i wanted to be overly aggressive i would started shooting randomly shouting etc...
(Aug 1, 2018, 01:09 AM)Not Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:I do think your RP is horrible, and your ban record commends that. I think you're one of the handful of people on this server that mainly come on to find excuses to shoot people and its sad. But this post isn't about opinions its about the fearRP by john, overly agressiveRP, and metagaming.
Meta gaming already adressed, i looked through the recording its all black
^^ Doesn't prove anything just saying
FearRP: Not my place to comment
Overly Aggressive: Ofc we are gonna be aggressive we are car thieves, who barely get by and who are running with adrenaline since we have a time limit since eventually we are gonna get caught, i don't think it was that aggressive as at 1:11 - 1:42 i didn't shoot you, i had some patience i only shot when you shot me, if i wanted to be overly aggressive i would started shooting randomly shouting etc...
I fixed the screenshot,
You guys will find any excuse to pull out automatic rifles and shoot people, and we're all tired of it. And you'll find any excuse to do it.
Because im sure car thiefs in real life run around with galil's and not just lockpicks and maybe a pistol.
Again I dont want to saturate this with useless comments, I just want to wait for the admin.
(Aug 1, 2018, 01:13 AM)Auston Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 01:09 AM)Not Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:I do think your RP is horrible, and your ban record commends that. I think you're one of the handful of people on this server that mainly come on to find excuses to shoot people and its sad. But this post isn't about opinions its about the fearRP by john, overly agressiveRP, and metagaming.
Meta gaming already adressed, i looked through the recording its all black
^^ Doesn't prove anything just saying
FearRP: Not my place to comment
Overly Aggressive: Ofc we are gonna be aggressive we are car thieves, who barely get by and who are running with adrenaline since we have a time limit since eventually we are gonna get caught, i don't think it was that aggressive as at 1:11 - 1:42 i didn't shoot you, i had some patience i only shot when you shot me, if i wanted to be overly aggressive i would started shooting randomly shouting etc...
I fixed the screenshot,
You guys will find any excuse to pull out automatic rifles and shoot people, and we're all tired of it. And you'll find any excuse to do it.
Because im sure car thiefs in real life run around with galil's and not just lockpicks and maybe a pistol.
Again I dont want to saturate this with useless comments, I just want to wait for the admin.
how did i break fearRP and metagame?
(Aug 1, 2018, 02:45 AM)John Jong Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 01:13 AM)Auston Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 01:09 AM)Not Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]Meta gaming already adressed, i looked through the recording its all black
^^ Doesn't prove anything just saying
FearRP: Not my place to comment
Overly Aggressive: Ofc we are gonna be aggressive we are car thieves, who barely get by and who are running with adrenaline since we have a time limit since eventually we are gonna get caught, i don't think it was that aggressive as at 1:11 - 1:42 i didn't shoot you, i had some patience i only shot when you shot me, if i wanted to be overly aggressive i would started shooting randomly shouting etc...
I fixed the screenshot,
You guys will find any excuse to pull out automatic rifles and shoot people, and we're all tired of it. And you'll find any excuse to do it.
Because im sure car thiefs in real life run around with galil's and not just lockpicks and maybe a pistol.
Again I dont want to saturate this with useless comments, I just want to wait for the admin.
how did i break fearRP and metagame?
How did you break fearRP while clearly walking away from me while under gunpoint so your friend could shoot me?
(Aug 1, 2018, 02:48 AM)Auston Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 02:45 AM)John Jong Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 01:13 AM)Auston Wrote: [ -> ]I fixed the screenshot,
You guys will find any excuse to pull out automatic rifles and shoot people, and we're all tired of it. And you'll find any excuse to do it.
Because im sure car thiefs in real life run around with galil's and not just lockpicks and maybe a pistol.
Again I dont want to saturate this with useless comments, I just want to wait for the admin.
how did i break fearRP and metagame?
How did you break fearRP while clearly walking away from me while under gunpoint so your friend could shoot me?
i was blindfolded so had no clue where i was
(Aug 1, 2018, 03:08 AM)John Jong Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 02:48 AM)Auston Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2018, 02:45 AM)John Jong Wrote: [ -> ]how did i break fearRP and metagame?
How did you break fearRP while clearly walking away from me while under gunpoint so your friend could shoot me?
i was blindfolded so had no clue where i was
So you decide to just walk forward, while I was clearly saying over voice dont move multiple times. Dont play dumb to the situation why dont you just own up.
We stole cars and proceded to take them to a warehouse remove parts and then Sell them off, im sure Joley can confirm becasue hye was at the chop shop multiple times throught the evening. You didnt actually know what we were doing and are clearly salty becasue we sold your car off.
(Aug 1, 2018, 12:04 PM)TomTomtheSatnav?? Wrote: [ -> ]We stole cars and proceded to take them to a warehouse remove parts and then Sell them off, im sure Joley can confirm becasue hye was at the chop shop multiple times throught the evening. You didnt actually know what we were doing and are clearly salty becasue we sold your car off.
You didn't sell my car off?
I'm salty because I'm tired of agressiverpers like you guys getting away with it.