Explain your suggestion, in detail: Change P1 to feed from Lamborghini Handling Script
Explain why the suggestion should be implemented: P1s top speed and handling is pretty bad especially for a $2m car. This is by far the easiest way to quickly make this car drive-able and realistic.
I laughed when you put
Because the Lambo is far from it.
+Support, anyway
maybe a faster version of the skyline cos the skyline feels like it has the most polished handling
(Jul 22, 2018, 03:41 PM)Stell90 Wrote: [ -> ]I laughed when you put
Because the Lambo is far from it.
+Support, anyway
Its more drive-able than the P1 ill give it that

(Jul 22, 2018, 04:34 PM)Ricky LaFleur Wrote: [ -> ]+Support
maybe a faster version of the skyline cos the skyline feels like it has the most polished handling
Not really as simple as changing the top speed. Gotta do a little more which can take time
Pushing for Staff Review.
I feel like this would devalue the lambo if we have the same handling script as it due to the fact its the only car with that script on the server so it would be like a remodelled lambo imo