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Full Version: Securiguard Skin | Security Prius
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(Jul 1, 2018, 07:51 PM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul 1, 2018, 07:46 PM)YuriBear Wrote: [ -> ]+Support

Let's get the lightbar on it too

Light bar has already been added. Did this locally so I couldn't add it on the images Smile

Damn, I guess it's time to buy this thing again
+Support for the idea
-Support for an actual company

I'd rather see a custom skin made that doesn't list an actual company, I believe a more generic "SECURITY" skin would be better for RP, as players could have their own security company instead of "Securiguard"

For example, here is an extremely crappy skin I made after I posted, loosely based on the colors of the current security uniform and inspired by the grey Securitas stripes.
[Image: MBwM3Tl.jpg]

Personally, I prefer the look of Securitas to Securiguard

Normal security suits are already rarely used.

Why don't we have some kind of generic security skin without having to have actual companies?
Pushing for Staff Review.

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