Limelight Forums

Full Version: S.W.A.T Gag Access
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Explain your suggestion, in detail:
Allow S.W.A.T to use the Gag when someone is handcuffed and allow them to equip the weapon.

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
There has been times where I have got into a situation where people are just yammering on when trying to talk to someone else, this would be a lovely addition for S.W.A.T to have access to.

(Yes, I have done S.W.A.T and Police due to peoples opinions when I asked.)

Police access thread:
+support makes people SHUT THE FUCK UP

Although I would completely understand it in-game and because of the way VoIP works as an ear-rape if people start screaming at each other, it's not much different in real life.

Try to de-escalate the situation, hear both sides of the story and draw a final verdict and action you'll be undertaking. It doesn't always work, but for those people who scream and yell and terror up the whole situation they're usually in the wrong. Place them in the back of a patrol vehicle, lock the doors and continue talking to the other party, or, have your back-up officer take the one party away from you when you talk to the other.
+support. Definitely has some RP applications
Pushing for Staff Review.

Added in Revision 7534.