Jun 5, 2018, 06:27 PM
At the minute the clan just seems like a job name to kill police, your dupes aren't strong enough neither your players strong enough to manage being raided by other larger clans. All I see happening is contrafarm to kill cops.
The main problem is that it seems to be your own intention to get caught by the police to initiate them raiding you, the best way to change your 'clan' is to play using a rules of engagement. Stop being the aggressor in situations and sit back and play defensively, don't seek any way to break obvious laws that you could avoid breaking.
Stop being the aggressor in every situation and just respond to the police/other armed individuals with killing as a last alternative.
The main problem is that it seems to be your own intention to get caught by the police to initiate them raiding you, the best way to change your 'clan' is to play using a rules of engagement. Stop being the aggressor in situations and sit back and play defensively, don't seek any way to break obvious laws that you could avoid breaking.
Stop being the aggressor in every situation and just respond to the police/other armed individuals with killing as a last alternative.