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(Jun 3, 2018, 03:25 AM)Ricky LaFleur Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 3, 2018, 02:38 AM)Jeff Ford Wrote: [ -> ]Your reputation is really low, and you folks know that. It will take a lot of work to fix and rebuild it, but yet do-able.

We've been up for 3 days, how can you estimate our reputation already?

First impressions count, Ricky.
First impression: You like to doomfort and cop bait in your doomforts

Just because ‘we beat you in a raid’  what? With your doomforts?

By the looks of it with the amount of PRs you get daily for your RP it does seem like you are to aggressive. 

You also seem to abuse props a lot, especially John Jong as he likes to prop climb int9 his base and fly invisible cameras around with a Physgun mid raid
(Jun 3, 2018, 03:25 AM)Ricky LaFleur Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 3, 2018, 02:38 AM)Jeff Ford Wrote: [ -> ]Your reputation is really low, and you folks know that. It will take a lot of work to fix and rebuild it, but yet do-able.

We've been up for 3 days, how can you estimate our reputation already?
Just look at the people in it. You. Puff. Already says a lot.
(Jun 3, 2018, 03:25 AM)Ricky LaFleur Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 3, 2018, 02:38 AM)Jeff Ford Wrote: [ -> ]Your reputation is really low, and you folks know that. It will take a lot of work to fix and rebuild it, but yet do-able.

We've been up for 3 days, how can you estimate our reputation already?

It's not an estimation, it's the truth. The fact you created this thread shows you know it's horrible.
I’m hogging to list you some ways to improve here:

You don’t want your bases to be built so they attract cops attention, to improve on not shooting up cops all the time make your bases look more natural like some normal houses. Having massively high walls with masked people inside showing off P90s is not the way to go about it. Also making sure that  when you block of an entrance the prop blocking it can be breached.

Try to solve things in a passive way, if a cop tries to do a traffic stop on you for going 5mph over the speed limit, don’t speed back to base and shoot up that cop, that’s just to excessive, especially as the cop will most likely at max give you a small fine.

Don’t have people that will give you a bad reputation and are known for breaking rules / have along record. Having members that post troll garbage such as here:
It gives you a really bad reputation to have those kind of people in your group as they are known as minges.

Looking at Puffitees, John Jongs & Tyrone’s record you need to focus on getting your ladders and props from an RP source, not just spawning a ladder or prop in getting to a roof and removing it. You also need to focus on thinking about weather or not your reason behind killing someone is valid. times out of 10 you could probably have dealt with it without using a weapon.

Probably safe to say pufitee is the only member of this faction that will take my reply into his head and act on the advice I gave him.

(Jun 3, 2018, 01:34 PM)Vimpto Wrote: [ -> ]I’m hogging to list you some ways to improve here:

You don’t want your bases to be built so they attract cops attention, to improve on not shooting up cops all the time make your bases look more natural like some normal houses. Having massively high walls with masked people inside showing off P90s is not the way to go about it. Also making sure that  when you block of an entrance the prop blocking it can be breached.

Try to solve things in a passive way, if a cop tries to do a traffic stop on you for going 5mph over the speed limit, don’t speed back to base and shoot up that cop, that’s just to excessive, especially as the cop will most likely at max give you a small fine.

Don’t have people that will give you a bad reputation and are known for breaking rules / have along record. Having members that post troll garbage such as here:
It gives you a really bad reputation to have those kind of people in your group as they are known as minges.

Looking at Puffitees, John Jongs & Tyrone’s record you need to focus on getting your ladders and props from an RP source, not just spawning a ladder or prop in getting to a roof and removing it. You also need to focus on thinking about weather or not your reason behind killing someone is valid. times out of 10 you could probably have dealt with it without using a weapon.

Probably safe to say pufitee is the only member of this faction that will take my reply into his head and act on the advice I gave him.


I have been with the A37 Gang for about 3 day's now and from both our perspectives we see different sides of a story and this isnt me trying to argue or plagiarize what you have suggested as i agree with almost everything you have suggested, because yes we need to definitely increase the level of rp as a gang by possibly as Puff i think had suggested improve our rp by being hired Guns or something similar, and i think a lot of the members of this Gang have acted with aggression to quickly rather than trying to resolve things peacefully first, the A37 definitely need a bit of a clean-up but from my perspective, or at least what i have experienced, is that the cops come back again and again and attempt to raid the base we have set up which to be honest is a bit ''out there / revealing'' to obviously be a base and i dont know if things are back and forth with who fires first or whomever initates a firefight first but from obviously being with in the gang and having an inside perspective there definitely need's to be a lot more communication between the government and ourselves, we need to try and negotiate first rather than our first response being squeezing the trigger of an AK or AR but a massive problem with obviously trying to negotiate with the Gov is that once they turn up outside our gate or hear the contraband we have inside or see one of our guns they are going to try and raid no matter what, you know the ''Dont back down'' approach to a fight, which again is understandable, you know the government are just doing their jobs, but i feel i have ranted on about this a bit to long so im going to stop here, but ill be happy to have a civil discussion with anyone because, i refuse to argue with someone or about something because i dont think lashing insults and angry comments back and forth gets anyone anywhere in a discussion, so if anyone want's to continue this disscussion then tag me or quote this comment and ill answer back immediatley

Thank you for reading this incredibly long Response, And have a nice day ~ LONEWOLFGAMER6
How can you call people a dick when you're the ones RDMing people just for looking at you? You're all a bunch of cowards that sit in a tower shooting people for shitall. No wonder the courthouse is full of player reports against you all. 

I bet half of the people that base there are just pretending to be friends with each other so they don't get shat on. Nothing but bad experiences with the entire gang.

Ontop of that, nearly everyone in that group is on a huge powertrip because you're more powerful than the police. It's ridiculous and genuinely needs sorting out.
(Jun 3, 2018, 06:50 PM)Coupcake Wrote: [ -> ]How can you call people a dick when you're the ones RDMing people just for looking at you? You're all a bunch of cowards that sit in a tower shooting people for shitall. No wonder the courthouse is full of player reports against you all. 

I bet half of the people that base there are just pretending to be friends with each other so they don't get shat on. Nothing but bad experiences with the entire gang.

Ontop of that, nearly everyone in that group is on a huge powertrip because you're more powerful than the police. It's ridiculous and genuinely needs sorting out.
Im working on it like i said in my prev post.
Quote:"This thread is not for people to argue over RDM and make sly remarks. This is a serious thread."

Quote:"Honestly, just because we beat you in a raid or whatever doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it."

I haven’t been on since I left and I’ve been told by multiple people that you’re the new LJS but worse. That type of picture doesn’t bode well.

Maybe don’t build obvious bases and develop a background RP with an immersive experience for members and outsiders. This is a RP server. The goal is to RP, not fight people 24/7.
Gonna give my two cents here.

I have only had negative experiences with this gang. 

You guys have the tendency to kill all the cops you see, and then run back to your base at mesa or the warehouses in order to kill more cops. I haven't seen one ounce of proper roleplay from your group. You form the gang of 5-6 people at times when there are only 15-20 people online. The police force is minimal, so whenever any police interaction occurs, you immediately take out the long rifles and start shooting everyone. Your "gang" is not a gang. It is an anti-government militant group.

The other main issue I have with your group is the MASSIVE power trip you are on. You immediately kill all cops you see, and then a member or friend becomes the president and grants your group supreme authority. When you don't have the president slot, you threaten to kill the president and terrorize the city in order to gain even more power. Recognize your place as a GANG and not a REVOLUTIONARY group. In America, MS13 doesn't threaten to kill the president. A gang shouldn't be forcing themselves out in the open and killing everyone. They should have a purpose (drugs, extortion, muggings) and stick to it.
John Jong is the main minge in your group giving the rep of prop abusers. Like PRs daily on him usually for prop abuse
(Jun 3, 2018, 11:43 PM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]Gonna give my two cents here.

I have only had negative experiences with this gang. 

You guys have the tendency to kill all the cops you see, and then run back to your base at mesa or the warehouses in order to kill more cops. I haven't seen one ounce of proper roleplay from your group. You form the gang of 5-6 people at times when there are only 15-20 people online. The police force is minimal, so whenever any police interaction occurs, you immediately take out the long rifles and start shooting everyone. Your "gang" is not a gang. It is an anti-government militant group.

The other main issue I have with your group is the MASSIVE power trip you are on. You immediately kill all cops you see, and then a member or friend becomes the president and grants your group supreme authority. When you don't have the president slot, you threaten to kill the president and terrorize the city in order to gain even more power. Recognize your place as a GANG and not a REVOLUTIONARY group. In America, MS13 doesn't threaten to kill the president. A gang shouldn't be forcing themselves out in the open and killing everyone. They should have a purpose (drugs, extortion, muggings) and stick to it.

Il take this advice on and work on the points you have proven.
(Jun 3, 2018, 11:39 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]I haven’t been on since I left and I’ve been told by multiple people that you’re the new LJS but worse. That type of picture doesn’t bode well.

Maybe don’t build obvious bases and develop a background RP with an immersive experience for members and outsiders. This is a RP server. The goal is to RP, not fight people 24/7.

Generally they make the LJS seem tame in terms of aggressive / combat related behavior.

My notes on the main post:

A37 Gang isn't a "clan" as far as I can tell.  Its an RP group at best.  A few of the bases are questionable and I'm surprised some of them are allowed at all.

Before you respond with something silly like "don't be salty we beat you," the A37 Gang has never beat me anytime they have attempted to aggressively interact with me.  Not to say that yall suck, just stating facts.

To people who complain about A37's builds, ect.  The best way to handle that is simply do not go near their base / interact with them.  Let them spam /request, /advert, ect.  You do not have to go anywhere near their dupes nor even play the game with them.  Generally I nothing them and after a few scuffles they stopped bothering me.

Lastly, about A37's image and how this post was apparently needed.

If people are very salty about you all the time, on a massive scale... Are they the problem or are you?  Instead of saying "don't be salty" on a discussion, accept the feedback you asked for by making this thread.  Its not like the "salty" people made this, yall did, so do it with the right intentions.  Most of yall boast in OOC about being assholes anyway, I'm surprised you care about your image at all.  At that is "okay," even if its not "for me."

P.S. A37 initially started off (from what has been explained to me by A37 members) as an alternate RP group related to clanmates / friends.  What it has turned into, best way to say it, too much of a good thing is a bad thing.  I'm glad a few of the A37 members are actually serious about adding in some RP elements beyond gunplay and I sincerely hope they work on their less friendly member's overall attitude when it comes to feedback.

No hate, sincerely.

 I'll hit you in the discord DM with some epic ideas on how to use everything up to now to your advantage for purposes of your image.  It'll be sometime after 1200 EST today (currently 217am est at time of this edit)
(Jun 5, 2018, 07:50 AM)Jokhah Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 3, 2018, 11:39 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]I haven’t been on since I left and I’ve been told by multiple people that you’re the new LJS but worse. That type of picture doesn’t bode well.

Maybe don’t build obvious bases and develop a background RP with an immersive experience for members and outsiders. This is a RP server. The goal is to RP, not fight people 24/7.

Generally they make the LJS seem tame in terms of aggressive / combat related behavior.

My notes on the main post:

A37 Gang isn't a "clan" as far as I can tell.  Its an RP group at best.  A few of the bases are questionable and I'm surprised some of them are allowed at all.

Before you respond with something silly like "don't be salty we beat you," the A37 Gang has never beat me anytime they have attempted to aggressively interact with me.  Not to say that yall suck, just stating facts.

To people who complain about A37's builds, ect.  The best way to handle that is simply do not go near their base / interact with them.  Let them spam /request, /advert, ect.  You do not have to go anywhere near their dupes nor even play the game with them.  Generally I nothing them and after a few scuffles they stopped bothering me.

Lastly, about A37's image and how this post was apparently needed.

If people are very salty about you all the time, on a massive scale... Are they the problem or are you?  Instead of saying "don't be salty" on a discussion, accept the feedback you asked for by making this thread.  Its not like the "salty" people made this, yall did, so do it with the right intentions.  Most of yall boast in OOC about being assholes anyway, I'm surprised you care about your image at all.  At that is "okay," even if its not "for me."

P.S. A37 initially started off (from what has been explained to me by A37 members) as an alternate RP group related to clanmates / friends.  What it has turned into, best way to say it, too much of a good thing is a bad thing.  I'm glad a few of the A37 members are actually serious about adding in some RP elements beyond gunplay and I sincerely hope they work on their less friendly member's overall attitude when it comes to feedback.

No hate, sincerely.

 I'll hit you in the discord DM with some epic ideas on how to use everything up to now to your advantage for purposes of your image.  It'll be sometime after 1200 EST today (currently 217am est at time of this edit)

Thank you and everyone else for commenting on this and reaching out a helping hand to help the Group improve it's image after some very bad shade was thrown onto the group after some very questionable act's done by some members, we as a group (The whole clan/Gang/Group) have been discussing things internally about the issues the group has and what we are doing wrong as well as what we can do to re-enlighten the bad image of the group, if  wants to we could possibly mention about any of the things that we have been discussing internally such as what we are doing to improve the group and what actions we have taken to in-sure improvement 

Again Thank you to all who have commented your thoughts and suggestions on this thread and we are taking all of the ideas on board to overall improve not only our RP but also the quality of or build's, roleplay in general and the player's who will continue to be apart of the Group


My sincerest apologies to those affected by the groups miss behavior and bad conduct during our recent time using the Gang's A37 Tag

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