Is KOS allowed?
There's been a stupid amount of KOS and RDM at around 1 am+ from certain groups of people contra farming and I'm curious if this is actually allowed. It's infuriating to drive by and get shot out of your car with literally no explanation or warning
Is this some sort of sick joke?
its an RDM
Do you have any kind of evidence to post a PR on them?
If you do go and post a PR.
There is a rule specifically against KOS laws or rules IC.
(May 31, 2018, 05:10 AM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]There is a rule specifically against KOS laws or rules IC.
- 11.7 - You cannot kill unarmed people or those who no longer pose a threat (injured, unconscious, handcuffed, etc). The only exception is if
- there is a dictator who orders an execution or capital punishment for an appropriate crime has been issued. You can shoot at fleeing
- vehicles only if the drivers are armed and dangerous or if they are clearly a threat to citizen/officers with the way they are driving.
I mean it all depends on context, technicly KoS is allowed in specific situations:
One example is in the middle of a raid, people are running all over, anyone who is not you or on your team is basicly a potential threat and will be dealt with accordingly.
If your government, you check your fire before taking the shot, but if in the middle of a firefight some civi wanders in, and you cant be sure they are not involved, yet they are in the thick of the entire thing, sometimes its just better to take the shot than risk it.
If your not government, well anyone whos not you or your team who is, or has a high risk of being armed is kind of fair game.
Checking the rules, i never did notice that we actualy got rid of the Anti-KoS policy during the big rule update? Im actualy finding as time goes on we removed ALOT of rules that are still thought to be enforced now, yet due to their removal, should not be enforced.
(May 31, 2018, 05:48 AM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]I mean it all depends on context, technicly KoS is allowed in specific situations:
One example is in the middle of a raid, people are running all over, anyone who is not you or on your team is basicly a potential threat and will be dealt with accordingly.
If your government, you check your fire before taking the shot, but if in the middle of a firefight some civi wanders in, and you cant be sure they are not involved, yet they are in the thick of the entire thing, sometimes its just better to take the shot than risk it.
If your not government, well anyone whos not you or your team who is, or has a high risk of being armed is kind of fair game.
Checking the rules, i never did notice that we actualy got rid of the Anti-KoS policy during the big rule update? Im actualy finding as time goes on we removed ALOT of rules that are still thought to be enforced now, yet due to their removal, should not be enforced.
Yes but in his situation he mentioned that he just drove by them causing no threat so it counts as an RDM.
Depends on the situation:
We dont have enough context to go off to show what occured in the example.
To me, it just sounds like Wrong place Wrong time
Yea maybe

That's why i told him to post any evidence

In situations where it makes sense.
If you are a criminal who is contrabasing and a raid is ongoing then you are basically justified to KOS anyone who gets on your property, i.e if an unarmed civilian walks into a building being raided by the police it's their fault entirely.
If you are a cop and you drive by a base, they can't just KOS you unless there is already a raid going on in which case they could assume you are backup, as without said raid they have no reason to believe you are a threat to them.
So yeah, in certain situations where it makes sense.
Its really bad. Even when the entire police force gets shat on and NLR is over, you cant get to your vehicle because even entering line of sight with them equates to death.
It's aweful. I have a few videos of them trying to spray me down when I was stood outside Blackhawk Towing. They was literally no raid. ITs just straight up RDM and KOS
(May 31, 2018, 03:37 PM)Coupcake Wrote: [ -> ]Its really bad. Even when the entire police force gets shat on and NLR is over, you cant get to your vehicle because even entering line of sight with them equates to death.
It's aweful. I have a few videos of them trying to spray me down when I was stood outside Blackhawk Towing. They was literally no raid. ITs just straight up RDM and KOS
(May 31, 2018, 04:14 PM)Overlewd Wrote: [ -> ] (May 31, 2018, 03:37 PM)Coupcake Wrote: [ -> ]Its really bad. Even when the entire police force gets shat on and NLR is over, you cant get to your vehicle because even entering line of sight with them equates to death.
It's aweful. I have a few videos of them trying to spray me down when I was stood outside Blackhawk Towing. They was literally no raid. ITs just straight up RDM and KOS
I ain't-a snitch.

Just wondering if it's actually allowed, considering its really annoying.
Now since a firefight situation creates a KoS situation, what about signs?
(Tresspassers will be shot)
or the government or a gang issueing a Shoot on sight policy for a specific area?
Currently there does not seem to be any rules covering that anymore, and due to that it appear as if it is infact allowable?
(May 31, 2018, 05:43 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]Now since a firefight situation creates a KoS situation, what about signs?
(Tresspassers will be shot)
or the government or a gang issueing a Shoot on sight policy for a specific area?
Currently there does not seem to be any rules covering that anymore, and due to that it appear as if it is infact allowable?
For government, the rule about not killing unarmed people still exists, no signs or anything can override that.
For non-government... let's say you are at your property and someone breaks in:
If you are a job that is non-criminal in nature, you should attempt to put someone under FearRP if they are unarmed to either tell them to bugger off or to detain them and call the police. If the intruder is armed, a citizen who sees someone break into their house with a gun assumes they are a threat and would be allowed to KOS basically. (Does not apply if it's the gov raiding).
If you are a job that is criminal in nature, if someone breaks into your property you can basically do whatever in terms of kill rights. But not like someone walks onto your lawn where you happened to have put a sign that says private property or something, something as minor as that doesn't warrant shooting on sight regardless of job.
i.e if you are gonna shoot someone for BEING somewhere you better make sure they couldn't have gotten there without intent to trespass.