I think EvoCity maps should be the only ones in the question. It's important that Limelight switches to something which is tried and tested after the disastrous Rockford map change.
v4b1 seems like a map which very few actually hate; it may not be everyone's first choice, but there are no fundamental flaws with it. FPS isn't as good as some other maps, but it's similar to Rockford and good enough; the people who struggle with extremely low FPS would have performance issues with any map.
The last map vote had Rockford as #1 and EC2 V5p was a close second
(May 18, 2018, 11:31 AM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]
This looks BEAUTIFUL
God. Damn.
Fine, fine. I'll change my mind for this one.
(May 18, 2018, 08:02 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]that map looks pine imo
that pun was so bad its not even worthy of existing, I beg someone delete this atrocity from the internet
All of these maps look shit
gm_flatgrass all the way
jk i want v5p
(May 18, 2018, 08:40 PM)RyanF Wrote: [ -> ]I beg someone delete this atrocity from the internet
Which one? Bambo or the pun he made?
jokes, bambo don't bam me
Okay, let me start off by saying there is a major quality difference between Pines City and the EvoCity v4b1.
Lets start off with the government buildings, there is definitely a major quality difference between the Nexus and Pines City wierd looking government building that looks heavily rushed and made in 5minuites. You can tell just by going into the lobby that the Nexus has had way more effort put into it and the creator spent time on it where as with Pines City it looks like one lights shoved in the middle with a desk and some dull colors placed around. If by looking at both pictures you do not notice a difference in effort put into making both buildings then I think you need to goto Specsavers.
This is the Nexus on v4b1:
Here is the wierd looking awfully made Pines City government building: ![[Image: 313633657D0C4ABD06F85A7B0300698531C28E23]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923680276019651224/313633657D0C4ABD06F85A7B0300698531C28E23/)
Now lets talk about the two hotels on both maps (The Pines 3 Star Hotel & The Empire Hotel). Once again you can see the Empire / Tides hotel has had alot more effort put into it compared to the Pines 3 Star Hotel that looks like a box with some world props shoved into it. Hell, I would say that the Motel on v4b1 that isn't supposed to look great looks nicer than the Pines 3 Star Hotel. The desk at the hotel isn't supposed to have 15 people stood behind it, because behind the desk on pines you can probably fit 15-20 people.
The Tides Hotel on v4b1:
![[Image: 8E01542CE137DCC7FA1DBA5FBE00E79BB5786061]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923680276019666687/8E01542CE137DCC7FA1DBA5FBE00E79BB5786061/)
The Pines 3 Star Hotel on Pines City:
![[Image: 53B1F46D816C71AB6579DD4D521A863963D26E7E]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923680276019669258/53B1F46D816C71AB6579DD4D521A863963D26E7E/)
Boy, don't even get my started on the two government garages on the two maps. The one on Pines looks like a slums garage for stolen vehicles, you can probably barely fit two cars in it where as on v4b1 it actually looks decent and has parking spaces for vehicles instead of one big mess with a broken stone looking ground. So all in all Pines is a massive let down for Government RP which is one of if not the most popular choice of RP. Infact it limits aggressive RP as a whole, barely any areas for aggressive RP. Just areas made for passive rp except the villas meaning all agro rp will be cramped like it is now at Richard Drive
Nexus garage on v4b1:
![[Image: 90E45A14C27EE683DB127657CA812355C6B0D8EC]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923680276019714820/90E45A14C27EE683DB127657CA812355C6B0D8EC/)
Government garage on Pines City:
![[Image: ADEAD13D665DC16BB5EC6741880D6BDD530E7406]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923680276019721413/ADEAD13D665DC16BB5EC6741880D6BDD530E7406/)
The villas is also pretty awful compared to the one on v4b1, for a starters the one of v4b1 has a large open space that can be used for all sorts of buildings and bases where as the one on Pines is all filled up and heavily crameped in together. Not much else to add about the Villas other than the textures on Pines look utterly awful
The villas on EvoCity v4b1:
![[Image: E6AC934D2F5C1390E2AFAA926C71E463DFF88372]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923680276019731821/E6AC934D2F5C1390E2AFAA926C71E463DFF88372/)
The awful Villas on Pines City:
![[Image: 4AA71094C8EEB2A28249D015C8F4823F89D353B6]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923680276019733707/4AA71094C8EEB2A28249D015C8F4823F89D353B6/)
The only other thing i'd like to add is that Pines is so spread out and has so many empty but enclosed areas that cannot be built in that player interaction would be at a minimum. For example this tunnel:
The tunnel goes on for alot longer than what the picture shows, i'd say half the tunnels on Pines are double the length of the Corleone Tunnel on v4b1.
The pine map shown is also the out of date one, the new one was last updated May 5th which provides us a problem.
The last time we used a map under active development it literaly killed our US server
(May 18, 2018, 07:24 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]The last map vote had Rockford as #1 and EC2 V5p was a close second
That's because the vote allowed any player who connected to the server to vote immediately - Some players who just come on for a couple hours and never again can just vote randomly and choose the first one they see to try and get it off their screen as it pops up in their face straight away when they load in.
Their vote was just as valid as anyone else who voted then.
(May 18, 2018, 07:24 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]The last map vote had Rockford as #1 and EC2 V5p was a close second
The issue is that people vote for a map based on hype and aesthetics, which should both go behind gameplay, which not many people base their vote on (and who can blame them when there wasn't even a server to test the map?).
If everything was selected by a vote, this community would end up being a lot worse than it currently is.
(May 18, 2018, 11:13 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]Their vote was just as valid as anyone else who voted then.
Yeah a player who is yet to actually experience the server on the current or previous map, and has the vote shoved in their face straight away - Is valid to vote.