Reported Players: I.T.D-EstelDP (STEAM_0:1:159883158) (
) , I.T.D-DarkosNL (STEAM_0:0:177570052) () , Daddy Diesel (STEAM_0:1:180596177) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Mar-10 18:27
Summary: Three fearRP breaks.
#1 - Darkos - @0:30 - I attempted to handcuff the suspect at which point he started to run away. Handcuffs count as fearRP. After running, I pull a revolver and issue an order at the suspect. He fails to comply, pulls a firearm, and is subsequently shot.
#2 - Estel - @1:03 - Fails to obey an order at gunpoint. He proceeds to disobey orders from . Sourlemon is visibly armed.
#3 - Daddy Diesel - @1:30 - Pulls a firearm when he is in microphone range of multiple visibly armed men.
All accused parties have 24 hours to respond.
I'd specifically like to hear why the FBI, a government division, felt it necessary to shoot at officers as well as violating FearRP.
You had the evidence of you and your chief aiming at the the director when the director asking the chief politely to talk in private about it. He refused and aimed a gun at the director immediately. I want you to think about what will you do if you were in the director's position and you were from the FBI especially when you see your agent downed by the police for no reason absolutely. My agent was right though "I dont listen to your order unless you were a higher up or the president himself/herself". Thank you very much.
And you had everything recorded, you can clearly see what exactly happened. when he aimed at me i backed off but when he kept aiming at me it pretty normal to aim at him back because i was from the law enforcement as well and i had 2 gun on my back so you will not expect me to tell him let eat a lollipop. Thank you very much. you could've made the PR before because the situation happened 2 or 3 days ago.
And you can clearly see that i did not start the shootout i just aimed back. They started it and they shot at me first and they had my agent downed i should've made the PR on them with all due respect not someone who is salty about clans.
The rules state this:
- If someone switches
- from a gun to handcuffs/rope to detain you, FearRP still applies.
U just pulled out cuffes never swichted so that wasnt fear rp .and Nightmare to awnser your question they shot at us we defended our selfs.and of course the fact that u try to cuff a FBI agent for no reason i was just seeing what was happening to our agents, and u order me around i replyd with sorry i dont take orders from you(what was stated in the law at that time that u as a officer dont order us around) only from my higher ups and u descided to cuff me for giving a normale awnser.oh yeah and the fact that the president told u to leave tbh u where kinda making a big problem out of nothing.-DarkosNL 
(Mar 13, 2018, 09:19 AM)I.T.D-EstelDP Wrote: [ -> ]You had the evidence of you and your chief aiming at the the director when the director asking the chief politely to talk in private about it. He refused and aimed a gun at the director immediately. I want you to think about what will you do if you were in the director's position and you were from the FBI especially when you see your agent downed by the police for no reason absolutely. My agent was right though "I dont listen to your order unless you were a higher up or the president himself/herself". Thank you very much.
The problem is you cant just negate fearRP because it is inconvenient. Your agent cant negate fearRP because it is inconvenient, either.
(Mar 13, 2018, 09:22 AM)I.T.D-EstelDP Wrote: [ -> ]And you had everything recorded, you can clearly see what exactly happened. when he aimed at me i backed off but when he kept aiming at me it pretty normal to aim at him back because i was from the law enforcement as well and i had 2 gun on my back so you will not expect me to tell him let eat a lollipop. Thank you very much. you could've made the PR before because the situation happened 2 or 3 days ago.
It doesn't matter if you have 2 guns on your back. You werent visibly armed in the context of the rule. However, I quite clearly had a revolver out. You pulled a gun after I pulled mine and gave an order to stop.
Also the event happened on the tenth. I compiled the video yesterday. I believe this PR was posted in a timely manner.
(Mar 13, 2018, 09:27 AM)I.T.D-EstelDP Wrote: [ -> ]And you can clearly see that i did not start the shootout i just aimed back. They started it and they shot at me first and they had my agent downed i should've made the PR on them with all due respect not someone who is salty about clans.
It doesnt matter if we shot first. You clearly broke fearRP by failing to comply with orders at gunpoint. You then pulled a gun at gunpoint. Just "aiming back" still constitutes a violation of the written rule as far as I know.
Please, go ahead with a PR on us. Nothing will come of it as the only reason this situation went south is your failure to comply.
(Mar 13, 2018, 10:57 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar 13, 2018, 09:27 AM)I.T.D-EstelDP Wrote: [ -> ]And you can clearly see that i did not start the shootout i just aimed back. They started it and they shot at me first and they had my agent downed i should've made the PR on them with all due respect not someone who is salty about clans.
It doesnt matter if we shot first. You clearly broke fearRP by failing to comply with orders at gunpoint. You then pulled a gun at gunpoint. Just "aiming back" still constitutes a violation of the written rule as far as I know.
Please, go ahead with a PR on us. Nothing will come of it as the only reason this situation went south is your failure to comply.
I believe you had seen my guns on my back that means that its clearly visible for you all. Please dont complain about something you started it. And i believe it does matter that you shot us first and i aimed my gun because i was afraid that your chief will do something crazy and indeed he did. He failed with listening to me because he is supposed to talk to the director if there is anything wrong with one of my agents. You still have no right talking to my agents because you are still an officer and you were not the chief. Why dont you bring the chief himself to complain about it? Besides if you want to complain about an agent of mine you will need to talk to me first and iwill take actions immediately. You clearly cuffed the agent without any reason and also shot him down.
Its my responsibility to defend my agents. He clearly didnt do anything wrong i believe.
(Mar 13, 2018, 11:24 AM)I.T.D-EstelDP Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar 13, 2018, 10:57 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar 13, 2018, 09:27 AM)I.T.D-EstelDP Wrote: [ -> ]And you can clearly see that i did not start the shootout i just aimed back. They started it and they shot at me first and they had my agent downed i should've made the PR on them with all due respect not someone who is salty about clans.
It doesnt matter if we shot first. You clearly broke fearRP by failing to comply with orders at gunpoint. You then pulled a gun at gunpoint. Just "aiming back" still constitutes a violation of the written rule as far as I know.
Please, go ahead with a PR on us. Nothing will come of it as the only reason this situation went south is your failure to comply.
I believe you had seen my guns on my back that means that its clearly visible for you all. Please dont complain about something you started it. And i believe it does matter that you shot us first and i aimed my gun because i was afraid that your chief will do something crazy and indeed he did. He failed with listening to me because he is supposed to talk to the director if there is anything wrong with one of my agents. You still have no right talking to my agents because you are still an officer and you were not the chief. Why dont you bring the chief himself to complain about it? Besides if you want to complain about an agent of mine you will need to talk to me first and iwill take actions immediately. You clearly cuffed the agent without any reason and also shot him down.
The agent was being cuffed for failure to comply. Guns on your back don't count as visibly armed within the context of the rule "
Visibly armed in the context of this rule means that you have your weapon out and in your hands, regardless of safety mode". If we shot you before you pulled a gun, it would matter. We shot you AFTER you pulled a gun.
You dont have some kind of supremacy over the police force. We dont have to wait until you arrive and let ourselves get shot by your agents.
Also, judging by your response, you would have no problem with the conduct of your agents. The problem wouldnt be dealt with. You would go complain to the president in an attempt to get supremacy and our demotions.
Waiting for a judgement from .
(Mar 13, 2018, 12:36 PM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar 13, 2018, 11:24 AM)I.T.D-EstelDP Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar 13, 2018, 10:57 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]It doesnt matter if we shot first. You clearly broke fearRP by failing to comply with orders at gunpoint. You then pulled a gun at gunpoint. Just "aiming back" still constitutes a violation of the written rule as far as I know.
Please, go ahead with a PR on us. Nothing will come of it as the only reason this situation went south is your failure to comply.
I believe you had seen my guns on my back that means that its clearly visible for you all. Please dont complain about something you started it. And i believe it does matter that you shot us first and i aimed my gun because i was afraid that your chief will do something crazy and indeed he did. He failed with listening to me because he is supposed to talk to the director if there is anything wrong with one of my agents. You still have no right talking to my agents because you are still an officer and you were not the chief. Why dont you bring the chief himself to complain about it? Besides if you want to complain about an agent of mine you will need to talk to me first and iwill take actions immediately. You clearly cuffed the agent without any reason and also shot him down.
The agent was being cuffed for failure to comply. Guns on your back don't count as visibly armed within the context of the rule "Visibly armed in the context of this rule means that you have your weapon out and in your hands, regardless of safety mode". If we shot you before you pulled a gun, it would matter. We shot you AFTER you pulled a gun.
You dont have some kind of supremacy over the police force. We dont have to wait until you arrive and let ourselves get shot by your agents.
Also, judging by your response, you would have no problem with the conduct of your agents. The problem wouldnt be dealt with. You would go complain to the president in an attempt to get supremacy and our demotions.
Waiting for a judgement from .
First of all i just aimed my gun and i didnt shoot because the chief was aiming on a law enforcement unit. Second of all he will ofcourse not comply because he told you the reason beside the chief didnt like us from the begining. For the weapons they were on my back and not in my inventory people can clearly see my weapons by then. Why dont you let
deal with the situation here. Because its better from arguing. Thank you very much.
I took my gun up before yall saw me,
and the police clearly started to open fire before us. so idk whyd u make pr
(Mar 13, 2018, 08:41 PM)Diesel Wrote: [ -> ]I took my gun up before yall saw me,
and the police clearly started to open fire before us. so idk whyd u make pr
Again, why does the "police shot first" idea matter? It is irrelevant here.
Officers were looking at you, including myself, at many points in the video. You pulled the gun and aimed it at a cop when I was standing right next to you with a firearm out.