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Full Version: Changes to Radar use in PD
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Explain your suggestion, in detail: Change Radar Gun:

1. To always be on when equipped and in hands (Functions like Photon's Radar).
2. To not be useable in a chair unless it's pulled out before they sit down.

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:

1. Removes the 1-2 second time limit you need to keep your cursor on the vehicle to track it. This requires a LOT of accuracy with the radar gun, and even when you do succeed in covering the vehicle, it still won't work (and I can't figure out why).
2. Looks ugly and no cop pulls out a huge radar gun while he's drinking coffee. If it's somehow not possible to only have it out if you put it in your hand BEFORE you sit down, I'd suggest just don't allow it in seats entirely and instead give passengers of PD cars that are PD access to Photon's Radar.

it ruined your meeting screenshot
y u do dis
(Feb 7, 2018, 05:28 PM)Doormat Wrote: [ -> ]Half and half at the min

Pushing for Staff Review.

Entire system disabled in Revision 7695.