(Jan 10, 2018, 09:58 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:41 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:39 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 07:02 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 01:02 AM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]-Support
It's optional, isn't illegal by itself, and the light is possibly being reduced or removed entirely.
Not to mention it isn't as bad as you think. I have a dupe for weed on the top floor of Mesa Apartments and you have to be AT THE DOOR to hear it.
If you want to make illegal weed with the lights, be smart about it.
You sure you have your volume turned all the way up?
UV Light travels around 1800 phx units, unsure how you can only hear at the door.
Either that or I just know how to hide it well.
No matter where you are in the top apartment of mesa apartments there is 1800 units to the outside, it isn't simply "hiding it" the noise travels through walls.
(Jan 10, 2018, 10:00 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:58 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:41 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:39 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 07:02 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ]You sure you have your volume turned all the way up?
UV Light travels around 1800 phx units, unsure how you can only hear at the door.
Either that or I just know how to hide it well.
No matter where you are in the top apartment of mesa apartments there is 1800 units to the outside, it isn't simply "hiding it" the noise travels through walls.
Then how have I been able to grow weed in that apartment without having to deal with the government, even though they would be outside my apartment and were constantly raiding my neighbor (usually a BMD or a criminal group)? If they could hear it, why wouldn't they have anything to do with me?
(Jan 10, 2018, 10:02 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 10:00 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:58 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:41 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:39 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]Yes
UV Light travels around 1800 phx units, unsure how you can only hear at the door.
Either that or I just know how to hide it well.
No matter where you are in the top apartment of mesa apartments there is 1800 units to the outside, it isn't simply "hiding it" the noise travels through walls.
Then how have I been able to grow weed in that apartment without having to deal with the government, even though they would be outside my apartment and were constantly raiding my neighbor (usually a BMD or a criminal group)? If they could hear it, why wouldn't they have anything to do with me?
I'd love to see some sort of evidence that you can hear nothing from your uv light, I've supplied proof that you can hear it from multiple places in the apartment.
if something works that loud, it's probably a bomb
it is op yes, but maybe increase the chance of it catching fire or tie it with a battery.
(Jan 10, 2018, 10:04 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 10:02 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 10:00 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:58 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:41 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ]UV Light travels around 1800 phx units, unsure how you can only hear at the door.
Either that or I just know how to hide it well.
No matter where you are in the top apartment of mesa apartments there is 1800 units to the outside, it isn't simply "hiding it" the noise travels through walls.
Then how have I been able to grow weed in that apartment without having to deal with the government, even though they would be outside my apartment and were constantly raiding my neighbor (usually a BMD or a criminal group)? If they could hear it, why wouldn't they have anything to do with me?
I'd love to see some sort of evidence that you can hear nothing from your uv light, I've supplied proof that you can hear it from multiple places in the apartment.
Nah, because I think you're right. It was heard, but I think it was something else. It may have been that I manipulated what the sound was to the government officials, bought them off from time to time, or even just let them in and see that it was just a light.
That leads me to my conclusion of the argument. I RP'ed my way around it. As a criminal, you have to be clever tog et away with shit. The UV light is a bump in most people's plan, so you need to work around it. Not everything can be perfect for a criminal. You can't just go "This is too much, I can't work with this. Nerf plz". If you wanna commit illegal actions, you gotta be smart about it.
(Jan 10, 2018, 10:09 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 10:04 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 10:02 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 10:00 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 10, 2018, 09:58 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]Either that or I just know how to hide it well.
No matter where you are in the top apartment of mesa apartments there is 1800 units to the outside, it isn't simply "hiding it" the noise travels through walls.
Then how have I been able to grow weed in that apartment without having to deal with the government, even though they would be outside my apartment and were constantly raiding my neighbor (usually a BMD or a criminal group)? If they could hear it, why wouldn't they have anything to do with me?
I'd love to see some sort of evidence that you can hear nothing from your uv light, I've supplied proof that you can hear it from multiple places in the apartment.
Nah, because I think you're right. It was heard, but I think it was something else. It may have been that I manipulated what the sound was to the government officials, bought them off from time to time, or even just let them in and see that it was just a light.
That leads me to my conclusion of the argument. I RP'ed my way around it. As a criminal, you have to be clever tog et away with shit. The UV light is a bump in most people's plan, so you need to work around it. Not everything can be perfect for a criminal. You can't just go "This is too much, I can't work with this. Nerf plz". If you wanna commit illegal actions, you gotta be smart about it.
I haven't actually been raided for the UV Light sound I just find it has too much range compared to contraband. letting government into your base while weed is illegal / you have contraband down isn't the best idea in my eyes.
However agreed if weed is legal the best course of action is to passively roleplay it out.
If you want to grow your weed faster there should be an increased risk however raiding for UV light sounds isn't a valid reason as far as I'm aware as the light is not illegal.
UV lights arent loud.
(Jan 11, 2018, 02:41 PM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]-Support.
If you want to grow your weed faster there should be an increased risk however raiding for UV light sounds isn't a valid reason as far as I'm aware as the light is not illegal.
Yes, lights aren't illegal but the activity it's only used for is. I remember using uvlights to give a sexy vibe to a place, police kept knocking.
Can't a man have a sexy setting for some movies?
Most of you say if you use it, you risk it. Well here's the thing. The noise contraband in reality should not mean it's contraband but does it? Yes. UV Light itself does not mean there's weed but is it assumed there is? Yes.
Both contraband sounds and UV Lights are not used in legal ways, hence the assumptions and raids just based on sound. There's already a suggestion to remove the light approved, what use besides illegal weed growth left? I can't give a sexy vibe using the purple light anymore unless you consider its sound to be sexy.
The sound, if heard from a massive distance does not make any sense unless it's a ticking bomb or a self-sufficient weed growing machine. If you want to add risks to the light, make it happen in other ways. Increase the chance of it heating up, causing fire. Tie it with a battery item, have the battery explode along with the fire. Cause people to check and be in check.
People know the sound of contraband or uv light, they assume they "know" what's happening inside. They don't even think for a second I'm shooting a nature documentary on the intercourse of homo sapiens.
(Jan 12, 2018, 03:06 AM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]Then tell them you're shooting a porno. RP your way out. This is a RP server. We are already seeing players not interested in RPing at all and more just to progress, so why give them reasons not to? Make it interesting and keep the sound so players are FORCED to actually RP their reasoning for the lights.
I actually did RP it out in a fashion the police drove off faster than they came (no pun intended) the problem is that people group things together uvlight = weed, machine sounds = contra. The reason that was given for the removal of the light. That could have been roleplayed as well. It was also said to be unrealistic I believe, due to it going through walls. Well the UV light sound travelling that far and making that much noise is also unrealistic then. Any reason given for the light should and would be copy and pasted here in a way.
(Jan 12, 2018, 03:25 AM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 12, 2018, 03:06 AM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]Then tell them you're shooting a porno. RP your way out. This is a RP server. We are already seeing players not interested in RPing at all and more just to progress, so why give them reasons not to? Make it interesting and keep the sound so players are FORCED to actually RP their reasoning for the lights.
I actually did RP it out in a fashion the police drove off faster than they came (no pun intended) the problem is that people group things together uvlight = weed, machine sounds = contra. The reason that was given for the removal of the light. That could have been roleplayed as well. It was also said to be unrealistic I believe, due to it going through walls. Well the UV light sound travelling that far and making that much noise is also unrealistic then. Any reason given for the light should and would be copy and pasted here in a way.
It wasn’t the same situation as the lights planning on being removed due to it frequently cuttimg through walls (like you said). So, no. It isn’t the same situation. This is involving something that can realistically happen. A light cutting through a wall is valid unrealistic reason to remove that feature.
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